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Everything posted by Caelistas

  1. http://www.watchanimeon.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=755&pictureid=4767
  2. ^awesome signature V probably nobu, danisco, avenger or slasherturtle posting a lame comment
  3. I know, don't try to make any sense of the ending, it's just complete utter shit. All your choices from ME1& ME2 are useless because of those endings. I wanted to see what happened to all the different races after the war and what became of galactic civilization but nooo Bioware had to fuck up the end of a trilogy. Also why the hell where my squadmates, who were with me when i was running towards that lightbeam, suddenly transported to the normandy at the end?
  4. Can someone who did yuella route and has near/complete savefile upload their savegame here plz?
  5. 3, and they all suck, are incosistent, and end without any decent explanation. Lol, already +30K people have voted for extra/different ME3 endings (including me) Choose Language | BioWare Social Network
  6. Caelistas


    thanks ivan
  7. Awesooome, didn't know there was a visual novel of this, i watched the anime/hentai version a looong time ago
  8. I am crying.. i hate mass effect 3's endings.... Bioware why u no make happy endings
  9. I know exactly what you mean
  10. Lol I've "overslept" on most of my classes the last 2 years and strangely i made it into my final year of college. Last year i had 2 professors ask me if i ever showed up in their class haha.
  11. Screw vampires AND zombies, lycans ftw. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-3NisHirNHH0/TltmCjHg5qI/AAAAAAAAANk/uQGfD_hQ9yM/s1600/underworld_lycan.jpg
  12. Anyone else bought/pirated the game? I just picked up a copy, finally can continue the story with my 6 different shepard's This thread is for discussing the game. Add SPOILER tags for "sensitive information" for those who haven't played it yet. Also: if anyone has it on PC and want to try out that co-op multiplayer thing, let me know and i'll add you on "Origin :(", yes i know f*ckin origin.... ENDING SPOILER
  13. Those who want some help or cheat a little bit here you go: Seiha Translations - Information http://randomneet.blogspot.com/2010/10/how-to-use-spoileral-to-cheat-at.htmlhttp://randomneet.blogspot.com/2010/10/how-to-use-spoileral-to-cheat-at.htmlzz Use at your own risk or if you just want to speed things up a bit.
  14. Don't have enough time, i both want to play kamidori and deardrops on top of other work/games
  15. so that's what it was, i thought it was a rat or something hiding in ma closet
  16. Sorry, but i totally disagree. I find loli's way more annoying.
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