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Helvetica Standard

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Everything posted by Helvetica Standard

  1. Haro Dudes :3 I'm trying out Yumina; game looks gorgeous so far but.. I have some doubts concerning the character sprites. You see, on-screen character drawings have no transitions, only the mugshots displayed on the lower left corner of the dialog box show the characters' emotions (eg. sad, angry, happy) Is this how it is supposed to be or is my Windows 8 building up a bad reputation once again? Here's a screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/IAxV6De.png Thanks in advance.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ad1Rav9rfVg&list=FLOsmpFvIaKA51CikFKQUB3A&index=1 GATCHA! :3
  3. no no no, you can download them from the game ui, enter secret section, (the one with the icons,wallpapers and voices) then download the system voice of your choice to your hard drive. what I want to know is what is michiru saying when playing the files so I can assign her lovely fake tsundere voice to my windows system sounds. :3
  4. Welcome to the forum Always nice to have someone to talk about this wonderful hobby of VN reading. If one of your favourite anime series is Steins;Gate.... what the hell are you doing??! START READING THE VN!! Ahem, best regards read ya later
  5. So I was bored and ruffled through the extra materials of my 101% cleared grisiaia game and I came across a "secret" section which included system sounds voiced by the heroines themselves. Fantastic find! now the problem is... I don't understand what they are saying, and randomly assigning system sounds is not my thing. Do any of you guys know if there's some sort of translation for the files? you know like number 2 is startup sound, number 5 is system alert and so on? onegaiiii I wan't michiru's system sounds so baaaaaad XDDDD
  6. http://downloadani.me/xbduhy8n8ioh/harukoi_otome.exe Some cracker dude already made a crack for Harukoi Haven't tested it myself - still downloading the game (IN PARTS) ¬¬ will notify if it works on my OS (win8 x 64) Win7 users, give some feedback if you got the game. onegai IMPORTANT: Rename the .exe to lcsebody.exe The game won’t work otherwise, apparently.
  7. well.. grisaia no kajitsu is the first of a three part series so yeah, you're bound to find anti-climatic endings like those. Since the story continues on the sequels.. oh well you get my point XD
  8. ¬¬




    ¬¬ .................. :3

  9. Someone will make a torrent, eventually. it could be after it's cracked or even weeks, months after that. Surely we'll have all finished downloading it in parts before then. XD
  10. I'm also hyped for Da Capo 3! But.. well...The VN is huge, long.. no, crazy long (common route is about as long as your average VN.) And London Chapter (Da Capo's Afterstory, of sorts) is also a long read. So it's more like they will be translating 2 games at once. MG staff say they hope to finish translating it early next year and release it before 2015.. So it will be a loooooong wait.. :|
  11. Helvetica Standard

    Harukoi Otome

    Yeah, and there's something about the art that I find rather jarring.. that's just me though.. Always been picky about the art style :/
  12. Shut up, OMA. ¬¬ don't mess with my Da Capo. XD
  13. OMG!!! BRICKS BRICKS BRICKS!! http://i.imgur.com/26u6BFX.png
  14. Although I also had a blast while reading it, I think Grisaia has bad pacing and there's a bunch of stuff that wasn't really necessary. Take for example the overly long and uneventful common route? it took me a week to get out of that mess! XD (Yeah I have a job and a life, that's why) Also, Yumiko's past.. ugh.. I've never been a fan of flashbacks and that left a permanent stain on her route... Overall, I agree. Grisaia is very very good. Not excellent but yeah, that's just my opinion, though.
  15. lol, why the lack of enthusiasm? XD give AIR some love! where's your "beta tester spirit", guys? btw, how exactly are we going to get the Unofficial Full Voiced 18+ Standard Edition?
  16. She's nowhere near a true slut. I think i'm the only one in the forums who has played "konozora restored" and I promise you guys: Himegi Ageha redefines the word "slut" she's the gold standard, the mother of all slutty heroines on VN's-- Amane doesn't deserve the hate, much less the reputation.
  17. several non-localized visual novels (fan translated) were designed to run on Japanese computers thus, you need to change your system locale to Japanese in order to run them/run them properly. Remember this little detail as it is common knowledge for installing fan translated eroges. cheers :3
  18. Check your installation folder and look for this file: Rio.arc.bkp if you've got that file then the patch was applied correctly. Launch the game via AdvHD application (that one is also in the installation folder) it will launch a small config utility for resolution and graphics. Click OK then the game will start. if you're not seeing this config utility then something went wrong with installation or patching also there's no moenovel screen before game launches, at least none that I remember.
  19. hmmm. What version of the game are you using? Moenovel version or Jap version? If you're using jap version ----> the current translation patch doesn't work for that version (download moenovel's instead and apply the patch to that one) If you're using moenovel's version ------> likely a corrupt/incomplete patch install. Uninstall everything and remove patch files from install folder, then reinstall again and apply patch again NOTE: Remember to be PATIENT while the patch applies itself (it takes 10 minutes or so to install. Leave it there, go make dinner, read, watch tv, go for a stroll
  20. That's weird. Have you tried a clean reinstall? if not, uninstall (don't leave anything left) - reinstall game (make sure you install on C: [don't install in program files x86] ) - apply patch again - try to save your game. If this doesn't fix your issue, wait a bit. desi might come up with something, or contact the translators for support, cheers :3
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