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Helvetica Standard

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Everything posted by Helvetica Standard

  1. Helvetica Standard


    a way to fix it? not that i'm aware of--- desi might know, though As far as I'm concerned it's a minor bug that comes along with the 1.20 update. It won't hinder your progress in anyway so don't mind it.
  2. Helvetica Standard


    Patch is to blame? probably, what versión of the eng patch you've installed? try the latest versión (methinks you might be running the unedited patch)
  3. woah, didn't realise it at all XD thanks, desi! I love you even more!
  4. Good to know then are you posting a walkthrough anytime son? onegaiii Just finished downloading Rewrite myself, I'll be seeding for a long time
  5. Anyone knows if Koichoco is going to be human or machine translation? there's hardly any info on the translator's site (except for "amateur translation attempt")
  6. This week's favourite Natsume from Edelweiss (Game CG) I scaled the resolution myself (scaled doesn't mean I stretched it, anyone can do that ¬¬) If you want any eroge CG image in widescreen glory just PM me and I'll do that for you. original resolution for this image was 800x600 btw. http://i.imgur.com/R4iFMP3.jpg
  7. Indeed. I can't understand gore lovers at all. but to each their own so...... *shrugs* too.
  8. lecturing me on "error codes" is not going to help him either ¬¬ btw sorry, didn't know. he/she should also try to update Directx and graphics card drivers, I've read some rumours about integrated intel chipsets not working with this game though. (sorry again if this has been suggested already)
  9. Actually, there is. This sometimes happens when your timezone format and location don't match your locale language *cough* hoshimemo-eternal heart *cough* Under control panel in language settings try selecting "Japan" as your location and under timezones pick "japanese" format If this doesn't work, then try to redownload the game again (if you downloaded vía torrent or in parts, one of them might have been corrupted, retrying it would solve this issue)
  10. my least favourite? that'll be Guro.. UGH..the chills :S
  11. Oh, hush xD Months, not years months, not years months, not years
  12. Whatever, this line made it ALL the difference I can hardly wait xD, thanks, desi!
  13. so, LB 3 extra routes are fully translated. May I ask what's left before release? testing?
  14. Oh well, should I call them: "amateurish barely readable materials"? you sure have faith in our community XD
  15. Hey there guys. I'm not sure if this is already posted but here it is anyway. I don't understand that much how this script, code and other mumbo jumbo works, but apparently this one is very very easy to use and edit. It's open source and free, check it out: The Ren'Py Visual Novel Engine I'm looking forward to read the masterpieces you create well, the ones who are interested anyway XD cheers.
  16. I really hope some benevolent translator team picks this up, otherwise I'll start taking japanese lessons, pronto. And Ryu says it takes 2 years? I need to learn like in 1 or less.. ¬¬
  17. Skimmed thru the whole thread but.. anyone know how readable are VN's with ITH and TA method? for example: Yoda readable: 60+ % 1 year old baby speaking readable: 50+% Drunkmonkeyattemptingtospeak readable: 40-% mad howling readable: 30-% flyable heart readable 15-%
  18. Helvetica Standard

    Polygon Love 2

    It is, my friend. It truly is heaven.
  19. If I knew how to extract CG from a VN and then reintegrate it back I would de-censor many many of the censored fantranslated games (since I'm a photoshop nut myself) too bad I don't know how to do it and it's probably far more complicated than I expect..
  20. Hell yes. Don't you think we all want that? However, let's consider the following: -This is 90% anime original -This was built up 3 episodes ago and with careful and proper momentum -It's Kyoani we're talking about I'd love a happy ending, of course. But everything here points to a bittersweet ending... (more bitter than sweet, the way I see it.)
  21. Yep, I feel the same. Unless them writers set up some good last minute fix for todays "everyone break and go apeshit" thing then we are heading for a bad end (or normal end at its best.)
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