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Helvetica Standard

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Everything posted by Helvetica Standard

  1. And so a monarch overthrows another. Such is life. :3 just kidding, welcome back Ryu!
  2. You need to upscale your desktop resolution. If your display is less than 1280x720 you're using a netbook, am I right? google: upscale netbook resolution, follow the instructions carefully (since you need to change registry values) depending on your netbook's native resolution, you'll be able to upscale it to the minimum required resolution or get it as far as 1024x768. If you don't reach the target resolution with this method then your only other option is to connect your netbook to a bigger TV/Monitor and run the game on that display.
  3. You may need to download the runtime libraries for directX (older drivers for 2005>2008 software) google: directx runtime installer, download it and install it, then try running Grisaia again.
  4. Well, I really don't recommend using jap locale. Uninstall it, change your region language to Japanese manually under control panel--->clock, language and region--->region--->administrative tab--->change system locale--->select Japanese(japan). once you do this reboot your PC and try running the games you've had problems with. Hope this helps you :3
  5. slutty girls in VN's aren't my cup of tea either, so I have to agree with you there. If they are perverted, it's okay (that's eroge for you) but sluts, just no.. At the very least they don't fit at all on romance VN's. IMO, slutty is not romantic. that's just hentai.
  6. CG Gallery is messed up ATM. Since you have the MoeNovel version of the game, several CG's image slots have been removed (H-Scenes, and whatnot) You'll also notice that as you unlock more CG's they wont have matching thumbnails, and once you unlock all CG's you'll be able to review all of the H-Scenes (as they come before the non H ones) but some images will become impossible to see since there are are not enough slots to view them. a fix for this is unlikely unless translators make their patch compatible with the JAP version. if you don't mind this drawback then stick to the MN versio
  7. I doubt this is as simple as you think. What about the VN's engine? porting is not a "click and presto" kind of thing.
  8. yes you can. there are 2 ways to do this. - Connect your netbook to a TV or monitor. this way the display will change to the TV/Monitor's resolution which is well above the required minimum resolution. - Upscale the resolution of your netbook. You might need to google it to find a proper way to do it since it requires you to fiddle with registry values (btw, this method won't look pretty and will make text hard to read)
  9. Herkz must really hate the girl/route he's editing right now. That or the route is long... very long.
  10. Otanjöbi Omedetö <3

  11. Not sure if this is old news or not but Rusanon's Konozora's patch will be ready by August.
  12. Although I hate "Gory Days"(school days) with a passion, There's apparently no mindless carnage of that sort on Shiny Days, so why not give it a try? only bad thing would be.. well Makoto, I guess..
  13. I second this, well.. partially...Why? I suggest you go for "ef- the first tale" (the English localization) it is also the first of 2 parts. I wouldn't recommend going for "fairy tale of the two", because the SECOND part "latter tale" is not all about romance. Some of its content can be quite disturbing, so go for "first tale" if you want pure romance and jump to "fairy tale of the two" once you're ready to take the dive into "latter tale" which features some serious drama. anyway, that's my opinion. any version of "ef" is a good choice, your call.
  14. I was just pointing the sheer absurd of that statement (you know, intended for 12yo french girls or UK girls or "whatsitsname country" girls) meaning Moenovel doesn't know or pretends not to know what kind of audience these games are aimed at (clearly not for female teenagers) And no, I'm not racist. I'd so much love to have a french girlfriend, who wouldn't? :3
  15. Moecrap ain't doing jackshit to improve the industry's decline, they are bunch of retarded morons who have no idea what a marketing field study is... 12yo french girls my ass, they don't know crap about the VN's main audience. P.S. get outta here, you moenovel paid enthusiast. ¬¬
  16. well...if loppez is in raging troll mode...
  17. -MT H-scenes? effing flyable heart, anyone?! -bad editing and copy paste lines courtesy of an amateur translator? screw it all. I'm learning Japanese, then i'll read konozora the way it was fucking supposed to be.
  18. Gerry >: ) I've prepared some spoilers for you since

    you threatened me to spoil me on VN's as well, gahahahahaha!!!

    You see... the truth about...... AGGH! CAN'T DO IT!

    d-don't get me wrong! I didn't spoil you just because I like you or anything! humph!

  19. Thanks for the heads up, Harle :)

    Fiddled with my settings and enabled visitor messages now.

    I wonder why they were disabled in the first place :|

  20. Hey Natsu :D

    You should connect more often, let's do some convos at the SB!

    XD see you around.


    P.S. Mai Otome (Hime Z) timeline/alternate world/anachronic dimension was too much for me.. I don't understand a damn thing XD

    I'll proceed to watch it carefully and slowly. XD

  21. Morning coffee saikö!!


  22. That huge stool is the real Moenovel's CEO, no doubt about it. The true master in the shadows...
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