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Helvetica Standard

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Everything posted by Helvetica Standard

  1. Regardless of the 15k likes, what the hell did those bastards do? how they managed to get this much support? I don't see the proper hate/threat comments anywhere. That Facebook page is impossible. :|
  2. *jinx* we'll have Grisaia release by late October. :3
  3. Natsuki :D

    I have watched Mai-Hime; all 26 episodes and the director's cut ending XD

    I must say that I was pleasantly surprised by the ending, although the series was brutal most of the time.

    It was a fun ride! :p



    - what's the deal with Nagi and the headmaster, really? where'd they go at the end? All I know is that the headmaster was a Miko and a Hime,

    and that she also wielded Kagutsuchi


    -Did the Hime powers warped the minds of the girls or something? because we even had a full blown yandere with Shizuru and pretty much

    everyone else became mental or went berserk!


    -I refuse to believe that Natsuki's most precious person was Shizuru. please tell me it's someone else! XD (Also,she's not that much of a tsundere,right?

    I felt she was more like a kuudere.)


    -Yuuichi and Mai never kissed!! not even in her dream!! gosh! I'll asume they do become a couple, right?


    Anyway, see you at the shoutbox :D


  4. Pay him no mind, dude. loppez just jealous because he's a fatass. Take your sore butt elsewhere loppez, Leave Chex alone.
  5. Hello Eri :)

    I've been testing Yandere for 5, 6 hours so far and I don't have the "girl stuck on the screen" issue that

    you mentioned. There is however ocassional flicker when a girl leaves the screen but is barely perceptible.


  6. It's rumored that the wheels were censored because they featured a naked or partially naked Meruru. We'll have to wait for the BD to know for sure. XD
  7. That's an excellent reference list for all Windows 8 users. I'll create a list of my own to complement your work. Note: I have win8 x64 and tested both Figures of happiness and Heart de Roomate. They both run perfectly on my end (drivers? codecs, maybe?)
  8. There is or there was a NoDVD.exe. But it was lost when they shut down the Patches index page where it was listed. it had cracked exes for nearly all fan translated VN's, I still have the link but it's obviously dead. edit: nevermind, OMA saved us all, again! I knew someone had to have that cracked exe! note: this has absolutely nothing to do with someone I know who had the cracked exe, but raged at the first scene and uninstalled syarin into oblivion and didn't backup the files. Cough*
  9. Same here. I couldn't stand original "kuu" Kotori. She needs to be more "dere".
  10. I never thought I would ever see that many contradictions in the same sentence o_o And...what "rpg eroge" doesn't have VN or dating sim elements??? -_-
  11. that was an unexpected dere explosion. Wonder if she'll remain that way for the rest of the series.
  12. Censoring kissing scenes? WTF???!! At this rate there will be no VN left to play! The story will no longer make sense and the impressions of those poor souls who happen to purchase this mutilated mess will be terrible.. This kind of BS is why the Japanese refrain from bringing the good stuff to the west.. Bad localization, bad advertising, bad voice acting, bad translation, attempts at westernization of japanese cultural content, and now this ridiculous censoring and butchering. Am I missing something else from this list? oh.. man.. gonna hurl.
  13. I'm a hikikomori... wait, what? And my LL is all messed up. XD Dear Helvetica, I've always tried to ignore you. I hate it. 100%. -Love, "I'm out to get you"
  14. The notebook spoilt us all.. I was like, I bet the last thing on the agenda is "THAT" My gosh, she planned that from the start...(That's the only thing that caught me by surprise)
  15. Any anime with a huge female cast. :3 If not then I would like an eroge version of: Seitokai Yakuindomo
  16. THIS :3 BTW, I would make torrents out of my entire collection (with step by step installation instructions) I do wonder if Ivan would agree to post the links here or over at erogedownload.
  17. I have downloaded like 3, 4 TB worth of torrents and I have yet to find a corrupted/missing file or any sort of uncertainty. If there's an issue, that would be downloading some obscure torrent with no info, or no name that ends up being gay porn or something XD Even though torrents are faster and less troublesome than downloading in parts, they are hardly needed as most VN's are no bigger than say 2GB, or 4 GB in few instances. If most of the VN's were as big as 10+ GB, then things would be different, though. Games like Rewrite (8GB) could be considered for a Torrent, but that's fo
  18. Why do I feel this lov lov win situation is not going to last? There's this feeling of dread I can't shake.. oh well we're talking about Oreimo..
  19. V1 Edelweiss is "difficult to read" though. I guess you can put up with it but you won't enjoy it as much. I cleared all routes except for the no-girl route, so I can't help either
  20. No one else posting? Aww I wanted to see how your lairs were.. Well this is my last bump, before I break a forum rule or something. XD
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