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Helvetica Standard

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Everything posted by Helvetica Standard

  1. Yeah, sorry. I was on edge and i guess i just wanted someone to place the blame on.. In fact it seems that the interpreter engine that runs Presi is 32 bit oriented. Something about the full 64bit and not "hybrid" 64bit back in win7 made it incompatible with win8 I'm not sure if other eroges are affected by this but so far i've found none other.
  2. Yesterday I've switched from win7 to windows 8 Of course the first thing i did was test run my 30+ eroge collection ALL of them worked just fine, no issues ALL of them but ONE: My girlfriend is the president (JAST version) whenever I attempt to run the exe i'm greeted with this error message: "Authentication failed, unrecognized kernel32 module/NM" Man, just another reason for Jast to suck, win8 can run even Chaos;head, but not this one? anyways, just a word of warning for fellow win8 users. cheers.
  3. Oh, and inb4 some VN purist starts going on about how there's no "waste of potential VN" There is, it happens, it really does. Just like your tv shows, your favourite band's latest album, movies.. sometimes they START well but fail to deliver along the way or in the end. Story of this thread.
  4. I shall stain the earth with your blood, you hoshimemo hater! XD Just kidding You've got a point there. Despite hoshimemo being one of my favs, I did feel like the "true route" was missing something. I didn't care about it much though, since Asuho's and Komomo's routes are pure win.
  5. I know I'm getting flamed for this one, but my personal "favorite deception" would be DEARDROPS.
  6. You don't say.. LOL,joke. For the sake of completion i do explore the "bad ends" I dislike them with a passion, nonetheless. I can handle "normal ends" or "joke ends", but bad ends for me are pretty much "troll ends"
  7. I required a walkthrough for FSN and Chaos;Head. While it's very easy to stumble across many of FSN's 40 bad ends it's also quite hard to get Chaos;Head bad end without any help XD... Otherwise i just play it by trial and error..
  8. Perhaps it's better to wait till the translation is finished? only a little more to go...
  9. I know i'm gonna get flamed and stuff but.. I seriously don't get the amount of hype surrounding Tomoyo after.. It's as SAD as Key's VN's can get + H scenes... hmmm...
  10. Sorry i couldn't reply in the last thread. MG Secret project might be a Shuffle! title ej. "Essence" or "Really Really" (probably, as far as the rumours go) Other hopeless cases believe it's either Akane no Iro or Mashiro iro, but we all know that's impossible.
  11. after watching that image with the exagerated radial blur, i think that secret project might be, Shuffle memories.. you'll know that color palette anywhere. (actually, nevermind.. just looked it up and found some interesting info about what game it would be.)
  12. I don't know about you guys, but Yaoi eroges are beyond me -__-
  13. I love this pic. BTW, blue stripes have become quite popular these days, don't you think?
  14. Fate Hollow is nearly there! yay I hope that one of those secret projects turns out to be koichoco or mashiroiro :9 HA I'D WISH.. ¬¬
  15. somebody please mach trans Eternal heart XD i don't care if it's scary unreadable like flyable heart, at least it will be far more understandable than attempting to read with my poor japanese ¬¬ Agh.. I'll probably end up learning japanese first...
  16. I Really hope Da Capo III gets translated. To hell with the sales! I'm a sick sick fan of the Da Capo franchise to think about sales, or localization costs or whatever just make my selfish wish come true. Give me my Dacapoine, naooo.
  17. It's all over... ...these statements.. It's evident that there'll be no US release for Da Capo III and ef-Later tale.. OH GOD..WHY?
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