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Helvetica Standard

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Everything posted by Helvetica Standard

  1. Yeah, listen to strom here. Sometimes, studios are paranoid when bringing over titles (They don't wan't legal trouble and all that, plus there's that "all porn is censored-japanese law" too) Uncensoring is something that is discussed between both the studio and the localizing team, sometimes even negotiated.. (I know it sucks, but that's how it works) luckily, most of the translated VN's are uncensored.
  2. I prefer to wait for MG's "later tale" ef-lite has BGM issues and that giant pixel-censorship. BTW, thanks for this Ivan
  3. You've guesses right. I do hope someone grabs this one for translation, however.
  4. What about the PSP version patch?
  5. Sounds like it will take forever when you put it that way.. SNIFF SNIFF :'(
  6. Amagami for PSP! Oh my, I'm so overjoyed! I do happen to own a PSP!!
  7. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I could barely wait to get my hands on this one!
  8. Many thanks for your prompt answers, guys I'll wait patiently
  9. I don't know if this has been posted yet here or in some other thread, but... Do any of you guys know if there are plans to re-upload "ef-The First Tale" (mangagamer version) ???
  10. CENSORSHIP. All forms of it Reduced mosaics, heavy mosaics, mosaics, white mist, the lot.. did I mention word censor as well? that too..
  11. ...nooo...why...? That VN deserves a PC port.. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.. :'(
  12. NNL are now together with mangagamer and minori. Sounds great and I'm sure it will help japanese VN'S overseas expansion. Who knows, we might see symphony and koichoco translated by that trio sometime in the future.
  13. LOL, yeah I was heartbroken too.. I'm a huge fan of Airi after all...
  14. Dude, just check their site...Denial will get you nowhere..
  15. I wants Amagami. Seeing as it is already being translated I can only wait.. ohh my body is ready :3 by the way, Amagami has a PC port??? don't tell me that the PS2 version is the one being translated!? agh, please lie to me... T_T
  16. No Name Losers was translating symphony, but they stopped at 31%. They won't release it now, and most likely no one will continue with their work on it.. check their site for more details. I totally agree with you, most of the translated VN's are second-rate obscure works.
  17. Good VN's like this one never get translated...
  18. I'm glad to know that Amagami's translation is proceeding smoothly. I'm also all for FHA!! Too bad that D.C.III will be delayed till late 2013..
  19. Watching Clannad's anime before reading its VN is a crime. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
  20. I wants Da Capo III, NAO. meh... I'm sure i'll have to wait at least a year before MG decides to localize it...
  21. anyone has managed to get the Otome ending "The Earnest Feelings are Rewarded" yet? I've tried a lot of things but I always get the harem or christmas eve ending instead XDDD
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