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Outpost Omega J

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Download Comments posted by Outpost Omega J


    Shouldn't "May-December Romance" be included in the tags at vndb.org for this title, given one of the heroines is a 500 year old ghost?


    The preceding is a bit of a silly joke regarding this title, but it does technically spoil a VERY MINOR detail that is revealed when the MC first acquires the sword mentioned in the description, hence the use of the spoiler tags to hide from accidental viewing.

  2. spoiler alert: Yuuichi is going to bang his sisters


    Ack! No! How could you spoil such a twist ending?


    (Ack! No! Would the !@#$ auto-correct quit applying proper capitalization in the few instances I deliberately had capslock on?)

  3. Ugh, this had potential as a nukige until it mentioned the heroines are married. If the heroines want to get pregnant that badly, do it with their husband! Otherwise, get a divorce so they can play the field honestly!


    Sorry, I just have a few lines that I think should NEVER be crossed, even in fiction. Cheating on your spouse is one of them.

  4. Thanks Zero Dilemma and centifora. I'm glad this title apparently has a "Good" route. I'm getting really tired of titles that have high fantasy elements like knights, princesses, and goddesses that only have an "evil" routes. Is it really so wrong to want to win and goddesses heart fair and square and treat with respect?

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