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Outpost Omega J

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Download Comments posted by Outpost Omega J

  1. I hereby make a prediction about the identity of the "Mysterious Masked Sky walker":



    The "Mysterious Masked Sky Walker" is Minamo, the shy little sister of the store owner Shirase, the guy who sold the heroines there FC Anti-Grav shoes early on in the story and was the guest lecturer in the safety course on how to fall safely.



    I make this prediction using only the information available to me as of the conclusion of the first day of the tournament in chapter 6 "The Finals And Aftermath".

  2. I don't know if it's something unique to my computers hardware configuration or a known bug, but the graphics tend to get stretched out on me. After a bit of trial and error, I THINK it is triggered by any of the games movies playing, like the end of chapter trailers, for example. This appears to be fixable by saving at any point after the movie plays, then closing the program down entirely, not just returning to the title menu, the relaunching the VN and loading the save.


    I'm still working with a limited data set, so I don't know if I am correct about what is triggering the problem or if my solution is a reliable fix.

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