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Outpost Omega J

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Posts posted by Outpost Omega J

  1. @littleshogun

    Just an FYI regarding the all the extra lines the new forums text formatting is throwing in. You might all ready know this, but you can get rid of them by replacing all your "Enters" with "Shift + Enter".

    I'm assuming the forum is taking it's cue from modern word processors like MS Office. An "Enter" is generally interpreted as a new paragraph while "Shift + Enter" is interpreted as a new line.


    I mentioned this to Ivan just a minute ago and he adjusted it.

  2. For the one who ask where's the picture is from, it's from Fault 2 Side Below Steam store page and the girl in the middle is Ritona.


    Thank you.


    You don't have to go out of your way to post a separate message, unless you want to of course. I suggest just simply adding an "*" to the start of the line with the title that is the source of the image. For example, replace:


    Fault Milestone 2 - Side Below September 2021 release




    *Fault Milestone 2 - Side Below September 2021 release


    Since no other titles start with an "*", it will be hard to misunderstand what you mean.

  3. For my idle amusement, I've decided to create a poll. The question: Will the VN "Kin'iro Loveriche" (Kin'iro Loveriche | vndb) make it's May 2021 release date as listed on VNDB? As anyone who is not chronologically challenged should be aware of, we are already a third of the way through May as of when I'm writing this (May 11th, 2021).


    If I set this up right, the poll will automatcially close on May 31 since we will have our answer one way or another by then anyways. Also, I've set the poll to public, so people will be able to see what you voted.


    Click on either of the number of votes for yes or no to see who voted for what.


    Update as of May 16th, 1:53 PM EST: The official twitter feed for Nekyo Nyan has declared a release date of June 11th.

  4. What VN is the image from? I tried a google image search but did see any links I would dare click on, and the blurbs in the search results themselves where not enlightening.


    Littleshogun, working under the assumption that the source VN can be found in the list you provide, might I suggest you put an "*" next to the title in future status update threads to indicate which VN the image comes from?

  5. There's a line in the VN Riddle Joker that, based on the context, I'm fairly certain is a reference to a movie or book or the like, but it's going over my head. I'm hoping somebody can tell me what it's referencing. The scene has one of the main characters just finishing up hacking a computer and covering their digital tracks when an alarm sounds. Fortunately for them, the alarm is not about them. Somebody else tripped an alarm on something unrelated to what they were doing at a different location. The character who was hacking the computer, who is an otaku, starts momentarily panicking in the moments before they realize that the alarm isn't for them and, in what I'm assuming is an otaku delusional state, says "I don't know why but the letters BABEL are on my screen!". That's the line I'm assuming is a reference to something else. Can anyone actually clue me in on what book/movie/etc. the reference comes from?

  6. Thanks Kai, but the last time I tried downloading a VN from somewhere other than here, my anti-virus software started kicking up a royal fuss. I like this site, as I've never had issues with it. I'm leery of using any other site.


    Also, ever since I upgraded to Windows 10 from XP, I lost the ability to use my final fail safe, Norton Ghost's full HDD image back up. I could make a 1 for 1 back up image, and I mean 1 for 1, every last digital bit, to my external HDD, and if something went wrong with my computer, I could paste that image back to my computer's HDD. Unfortunately, that software isn't supported by windows 10.

  7. Most of the titles available on this site are straight up VNs, but some of titles available here on this site are actual "games":


    Brave Soul: https://erogegames.com/brave-soul-104/

    Kamidori Alchemy Master: https://erogegames.com/kamidori-alchemy-meister-289/

    (Kamidori, being a fan translation, requires you to change your computers region settings.)

    Sengoku Rance: https://erogegames.com/sengoku-rance-65/

    (Also a fan translation, requiring mucking with your computer's region setting. Also, the protagonist is a total rapist ass-hole that needs to die, but the game play itself is quite good.)

  8. The idea of VNs on consoles, specifically, seems rather pointless to me. While I can only speak for my country, as far as I'm aware, the major consoles don't support 18+ rated content. There's no law against 18+ content, the companies executives and the like have just chosen not to allow anything with a rating higher than the local equivalent of 17+. The whole idea of a VN with out 18+ content seems a waste of time to me, as I don't really see a difference at that point to picking up an actual book of shelf at a book store, and books a generally cheaper (not that I actually pay for my VNs, since I get them here), or even free if you use the library.


    Also, I find that using the TV for reading, specifically, is less than ideal. I sit much further from my TV than I do my computer monitor, making extended reading efforts taxing on my eyes*.


    PS: The above comments exclude the notion of unofficial patches that restore such content, and the likely necessary hacking of the console's OS to allow those patches to be applied. Just use a PC at that point.


    *Conspiracy Theory: Video game makers and TV maker's are in collusion. Some of my favorite console games use font sizes so small you practically have to be nose to the TV to read it. This is a conspiracy to make you buy expensive, needlessly large screen TVs that have price tags larger than the product of the screen resolution to make the text easier to read. Video game maker get a kickback for every oversized TV bought by a consumer.

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