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Outpost Omega J

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Posts posted by Outpost Omega J

  1. For those who don't know, just to put some perspective on this, the VN Hello Lady has been stuck at "100% translated and edited, Superior Entelecheia 50% in QA, engine work is finished" since AT LEAST October of 2020. I started this thread on October 17th, 2020, which is how I know:

    I'm kind curious what would make them sit on a title that close to completion for a whole year and not finish it. And it better not be another "intricate bug".


    • Like 1
  2. It is highly unlikely Ivan (the site admin) will upload that title. According to vndb.org, the game doesn't have an English translation, and this site is dedicated to to ENGLISH games, although it is possible somebody else will share a torrent or alternate website to download from.


    For what it's worth, I do appreciate that you went out of your way to be clear exactly what title you were talking about.

  3. This is just a general question asked out of curiosity about file compression, not actually related to VN's or anything on this site, but given it's technical nature, this still seemed like the right place to ask.


    I've always been curious about this, but how does file compression actually work? All of those binary bits of 0's and 1's are needed to make a program function. When I extract a set of .rar files, the resultant folder contains more data than the sum of the .rar files. This isn't like with written text read by a human that can recognize the existence of a typo or a dropped word and reason out the correction or what was meant to be there. Computer are anal retentively literal with no flexibility. 0110 is not the same thing as 010 and the computer will have no way of figuring that out. So where does the missing data go, and how does it come back?

  4. I'm not 100% certain what you are talking about, but if you are using the free download option, where you have to download multiple 500 MB .rar files, or for the older titles, multiple 200 MB .rar files, yes, you must download ALL the parts. Here's an example using the title HaremKingdom.



    Using the free download option, this title has six parts, five 500 MB .rar files and the last file being an 365.8 MB .rar file. You must download ALL six files. Once you have downloaded them, make sure all six files are all in the same folder.


    Next you need to use some sort of extraction software. I use winrar, the program associated with the origin of the .rar file format as far as I'm aware, which can be downloaded here: https://www.win-rar.com. I know of the existence of another program called 7-zip which in theory can do the same thing, but I don't know anything about that software beyond the fact it exists. You will have to ask somebody else about it.


    Using winrar, open the part1 file, in this example, the file "HaremKindom.part1.rar". Instruct the winrar software to extract this file. It SHOULD see the fact it's part of a multi-file setup and automatically switch to files 2, 3, and onward as needed. The end result should be a folder containing the game.


    Newer titles (dated from when they were added to this site, not the age of the game itself) usually are ready to play as is, just find the right .exe file to start the game. Older titles (again, date from when they were added to the site, not the actual age of the game itself) usually tend to come in form of disc image files, in the file formats of .iso, .mdx, or .mds/.mdf pairs. Those are a whole other can of worms to contend with.


    Just as .pdf file can be though of as "digital paper", a disc image file can be though of as a "digital disc". You need special software to run it. My preferred option is DAEMON Tools Lite, available from https://www.daemon-tools.cc/home. Once you have DAEMON Tools Lite installed and properly setup, your computer will think it has an additional DVD drive with its own drive letter.


    When you load a disc image file, the computer will think you have physically inserted an actual CD/DVD into the computer and react as appropriate. From there, it's just a matter of installing the game as you would if you actually had inserted a real disc into a real drive. One note, some of the games from that era required the disc to be in the drive in order to run. You will need to keep the disc image file loaded in DAEMON Tools to achieve the same result.


    One final note, there is one title on this website that is an exception to the what I just described, the game "Uchikano: Living with my Girlfriend" (https://erogegames.com/downloads/eroge/uchikano-living-with-my-girlfriend-r1560/). When you download all the parts and use Winrar to extract them, the result neither the a game ready to play or a disc image, but an installer. When you run the .exe file, you will be asked to install the game. From there, its just like any other installation process. Install and enjoy.


    As for when you are done with the game, for the newer titles that are ready to play as is, you just need to delete them to get rid of them. For those you actually installed from a disc image file, you will need to actually "uninstall" them when you are done to properly get rid of them.


    I hope this answer your questions.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Ivan, I noticed a grammatical error in the website. The tags you apply to the VN all seem to suffer a common grammatical error based on my understanding of U.S. English. (Disclaimer: I am completely mono-lingual and make no claims that this isn't grammatically correct in English spoken outside of the U.S.) Many of the tags that state the heroine's relation to the protagonist lack an apostrophe. Example: The tag "protagonists full sister as a heroine" should be "protagonist's full sister as a heroine". I'm assuming this isn't a technical limitation of the tagging system and that the tags aren't rejecting the use of apostrophes.

  6. I am happy to see the proof of life progress on the Aiyoku No Eustia translation efforts. The last previous update was on littleshogun's August 22nd thread. Weeks with out even a 0.01% increase was a little concerning. And yes, I'm also periodically checking the Fuwanovel progress tracking spreadsheet.

  7. Once again thanks, but I just finally figure this out myself (I'm sensing the presence of some sadistic god having a laugh at my expense that your help is arriving just after I no longer really need it, probably the Anti-Software-Piracy God). The version provided by Ivan here from this site come with a bunch of user created, unofficial content already installed. Some of that content is not entirely well designed, and while not quite "broken", doesn't work smoothly with the game.


    For anyone else who needs or just want this information, here's how to get rid of the extra content:


    The outer most folder extracted from the .rar archives should be "HoneySelect2DXBR4.0.1", henceforth referred to as the root folder. In it is a folder called "mods". Inside the mods folder you will find a collection of three folders:

    • Sideloader Modpack
    • Sideloader Modpack - Exclusive HS2
    • Sideloader Modpack - Maps (HS2 Game)

    Removing these three folders will more or less vanillafy your game of the extra maps and character creator content while leaving the system mods, such as the cheat menu accessed by pressing F12 intact. While you could delete these folders out right, I recommend just moving them to some temporary storage location so you can get them back with out have try to selective re-extract them from the .rar archives should you ever want to experiment with them later.


    Note that the removal of the character creator content will "break" many of the user created pre-installed character cards. While this will not stop the game from running, you will get a whole bunch of warning messages every time you go near that content. I recommend moving them them to the same temporary storage location as the above folders so you can recover them later if you want. To do so, from the root folder, go to "UserData\chara\female". Anything that is not .png file found directly in the "female" folder and not the folder labeled "Illusion Sample Characters" is user created content that is almost certainly reliant on some of the content found in the three folder you removed earlier.


    Doing all this should give you a basically vanillafied game.

  8. Thanks. I found that already and have been using it. What I am looking for is the English version (assuming it actually exists) of the official manual that can be found as an html file as part of the rar archive Ivan uploaded to this site, default location of <DRIVE LETTER>:\...\KoikatsuBR10.1\manual\お読み下さい.html.


    I don't NEED this, i've already figured out the core information from the website you provided and experimentation from actually playing the game, but sometimes the official manuals include little useful details that aren't readily available or obvious elsewhere.

  9. I would like to semi-vanillafy Honey Select 2 ( https://erogegames.com/downloads/3d-game/honey-select-2-dx-r1413/ ). I'm okay with the system tweaks, like the cheat menu, but I want to get rid of non-official extra locations and non-official extra character creator content, like clothing and accessories. They don't always work as intended or as smoothly as the official content. For example, when I try to initiate a scene with two women in a lead up to a threesome at user created location, both women where occupying the same space, standing on top of one another. My guess is that who ever created that location didn't bother to set it up right for a second women to be present.


    Does anybody know how to selectively remove said content?


    Side Note: This is apparently the most evil post I will ever make on this forum, being the 666th post I've made.

  10. vndb.org does not suggest the existences of any English translation efforts besides the partial fan translation released on 5/11/14, just over seven years ago (vndb.org link: https://vndb.org/v405). That doesn't mean efforts to finish it don't exist, but between that and Translation Status updates posted by the forum member littleshogun every week on this website, you can usually trust that information to be up to date, so I wouldn't hold your breath.

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