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Everything posted by ale137

  1. Isnt taimanin yukikaze 2 later in the timeline?
  2. She is alive in the continuation of the Taimanin series. So, i think not.
  3. It was dead for several days before i posted. Obviously i needed to make i post for it to be up again.
  4. It was a site that had translation for several eushully games? Now, when i try to go to 403 Forbidden i get a 403 error You don't have permission to access /translations/ on this server.
  5. I already had the system locale set to japanese when the problem started. ;(
  6. Im getting the same error message when playing some games. It already happened while playing Battle Goddess ZERO and Rings of King Sankai. Can someone tell me what it says?
  7. I just finished playing Ikusa Megami Zero. I think that if i had been a fan of the first two games i would have had a lot of "whaaaa" moments, like when you see Kitsurugi in Fate Zero after reading Stay/Night. But instead what i got was a lot of foreshadowing and some loose ends. So a few questions: 1) At the end of the game Luna Clear says that is possible that another New God beside the god of War help Celika escape that fortress. Is it true? what god was it? 2) It is hinted that Celika existance as a Godslayer has a purpouse. Is this revealed later in the story? What purpouse is it? 3
  8. In nekohen they finished the translation of Ikusa megami Zero. Its a MT but it was cleaned so it doesnt hurt the eyes.
  9. ale137

    Grisaia no Meikyuu

    I understand that there are no h scenes, i dont really care about that, but was the game "sanitized"? For example according to the anime Yuuji was something like a sex slave as a child and also slept with his master and Julia when he was about 12/13.The story has some strong points. Is that treated right?
  10. Whats the difference between Sekai and Kohaku translation of Ley Line?
  11. ale137

    Taimanin Yukikaze Animation

    I think it is between 2 and 3.
  12. What doest it mean that SEKAI picked up Ley Line? Are they starting from the first or the second?
  13. ale137

    Tokyo Babel

    Funny, it surprised me to hear SHinji Matou.
  14. Wasnt Ley Line almost finished by other group? What happened with that?
  15. In Nekohen there are MT of Eushully visual novels. Thats as much as we will get.
  16. ale137

    Bunny Black 2

    How shoul i distribute the skill points. I can even defeat the "red dots" that walk the dungeon without any one dying.
  17. So, any news on the Tasogaredoki no Kyoukaisen translation?
  18. How do you guys play vns? I use a VM with XP cant be installed in my laptop. But some games, mainly eushully, dont work to well. They lag a little. Do you know of any other way to play them? Can you install them in Linux with wine?
  19. Yesterday we had none and now we have 3.
  20. in ultimate and alternate dont bother. There are just a few meaningless scenes that arent worth the time it takes to skip them.
  21. Everytime i want to backup a saved game of a game made by eushully i just copy the saved game folder but that makes me lose the cg and ng+. Is there something else i need to copy to make this work?
  22. wait, sis jast just released a game on time?? www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpFdP5yATw0
  23. Now we have JAST with the soup nazi voice saying "No yuri for you"
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