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Everything posted by superBlast

  1. Someone who.... eat, sleeps, dreams, drinks, shit, daydreams, or put simply, live for anime and anime related stuff. People who can debate anime shows and talk and get into it and pick them apart. As well as buys the dvds, figurines, and merchandise of anime stuff as well on a regular bases. Though that's my idea of a hardcore otaku.
  2. Welcome.... er... you've been here for a while. So instead, hello, these forums are awesome, right? Kinda glad I'm not the only one here that doesn't feel they're on the level of an otaku but still really like anime and crap. But yeah we need a section/topic/whatever thing instead of a single thread. Just Ivan hasn't gone and made one yet.
  3. Here's a funny page from a doujin I just downloaded.
  4. Yeah. The process is.... 1) We go off topic 2) Somebody introduces themselves 3) We welcome the person 4) We talk with them 5) Rinse and repeat.
  5. Well for me, I don't particularly care. Just depends on the individual person. Though I tend to be a good person (as much as that contradicts myself as I am on here in probaby... most cases lol). So I vote for angels. My list of pros and cons: Elves- Pros: Generally wiser, faster, and more athletic then humans. And they tend to have magic as well and live a long time (that's more of a good thing then a bad thing for me). Cons: Be way worse when you somehow piss them off because of said magic, more athletic, and faster then humans. And also in lot of elf stuff (or things that live a long
  6. hahaha (Yes my first that was laughing.)
  7. I'm special since I say loli more often then other people! WOOT! (and just in case you think I'm serious about that, I'm not.)
  8. ^ Man I wish I didn't know who that was T-T Another reason I wish I had selective amnesia at will.... And for mine today... Is technically two pics but since they're pretty much the same pic I just put them both. Enjoy more loli goodness.
  9. Well finished Aoi's route and it... was alright. Wasn't bad but wasn't good either and atleast the ending was decent. Well off to do Chinamai... I mean do Chinami's route hahaha.
  10. ^ This guy surely is highly.... um.... like lolis?
  11. ^ What!? Stop accusing me of things I'm obviously not. *whistles*
  12. Only problem is, posts don't get counted in the forum games section. Now for my pic of the day! Had to scale this down a bit lol. Ok getting off-topic but, We all love our 3D girls (except Kamidori and Melancholic and maybe a few others) but these forums aren't for them. So I'd have to say no to the real girls being posted here.
  13. Well the three I'm looking forward to don't seem to be making much progress. Any of the one's almost done expected to be any good or at least sounds interesting?
  14. ^ Nope. Just like reading and/or watching lovey dovey hentai. And looking at lot's and lots of pics =P
  15. I'll admit, Aoi not so bad as my first impression of her but she's just alright. But the scene with everybody feeding her was cute. Atleast how Imagined it in my head it was lol.
  16. ^ I don't like using that term for some reason. Too hard for me to explain. Instead I prefer the self-made term "loli lover". V Is wearing clothes. And not just any clothes. It's their clothes.
  17. Well I can't help you then. Since I can't think of anything else.
  18. ??? Did you use the other mouse button?
  19. Or you can find the version that has cheats in it and raise love and horniness to max. Of course that too boring for me. I just used it to see how well I'm doing.
  20. Well 90% of me playing was not in the editor lol. I made like 10 people in total.
  21. I never got my post lolis! Wheres mine! Sorry but no such discounts exist. Press 1 to buy a nuke. Press 2 to buy a nuke. End call to buy a nuke. Press 3 - 9 to buy a nuke. Press anything else to buy a nuke. You will buy a nuke.
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