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Everything posted by superBlast

  1. I wonder how many of us would be categorized as normal by most people?
  2. *lloks back* Huh why not? *looks forward* Holy shit..... *squish* It's so squishy~ http://wiimedia.ign.com/wii/image/article/834/834174/super-smash-bros-brawl-20071109011621997.jpg
  3. ^ You turned me into a zombie? I thought you killed me and I turned zombie on my own.
  4. That made me laugh. And also tells me to hurry up and continue playing this game. I still haven't gotten past the common route T-T
  5. ^ Yeah that's a bluff. No one knows where all my stashes are, not even me. I forgot where 60% are at.
  6. ^ The plan? While your killing my stupid brethren I run and hide to many of my many secret nuke stashes hidden throughout the universe.
  7. How'd you go from boobs, to a TF2 joke?
  8. This thread was here for a week and I just now noticed it!? (because of RJ's siggy lol) Oh wow.... Well I'm joining in too! Expect normal sized to loli sized chests from me And here's a loli and a set of melons... or maybe half melons? Well atleast it's not big enough to look weird Coincidentally, it's also my only hentai desktop background in my collection. Also I have a question. Would pictures from doujins count? 'Cause I actually don't have many ecchi or hentai pics on my comp but I have a few doujins laying around inside. Edit: if you want to save it, let me get you th
  9. I wish people would explain everything with boobs
  10. You the first thing I think off when some mentions vodka?
  11. Well lucky me avenger turned me into a zombie then. Well off to eat some random kid.
  12. You know else is good? I mean it. Tell me something else that tastes good.
  13. ^ Really? Hm... *bites avenger* There, your gonna be a zombie too.
  14. ^ But I was your friend for a total of 0.3125126837x10^-248 yoctoseconds and I'm not dead.
  15. There is king arthur in this game? I wonder if it'd be like saber but in a different game? Hm... well whether he (in in this game, she) is in it or not, the pictures from there make it seem interesting. Well whenever the hell this gets translated I'll probably play it.
  16. ^ aren't potatoes already dead by the time you eat them?
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