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Everything posted by superBlast

  1. Never played it before, or heard of it. And and why and I answering a post from a long while ago?
  2. Hello Mr.Lurker guy (aka Stepback34). Since you've been lurking then you should already know I'm the most badass guy here and that these forums are awesome. Would you like to buy a nuke?
  3. The yeah that's probrably just you, but man I wish I could make loli characters in AG3 without without going through a bunch of trouble. Then again I don't care anymore since I haven't touched it in forever. Got a little dull after about a month or two for me.
  4. ^ Is right. And I figured out what to type.
  5. Yeah you can and it's freakin' weird. And it not only works for boob size but anything that you can type numbers in. I was gonna show a screenshot but the the chest area literally kept turning invisible. Which also looks weird.
  6. Too small for me would be when to grow in rather out lol.
  7. ^ I'm thinking about what I should do with this feeling of boredom. Maybe I should nuke it....
  8. Well after... *checks* 12 day of not touching this game, I finally get done with the common route and starting Aoi's route. Well it's probably hers at least. After that I can finally start Chinami's route.
  9. ^ Good. V Anyone else wanna buy any nukes? My loli nukes got sold out.
  10. Cheongsam? I have no idea what that is. So I'm just gonna go with something random from one of my doujins. Lolification of that one chick from that one anime about taking over the world with mechs or something.
  11. Welcome Poon, our newest Thai member, to these awesome forums of ours. Remember, I'm the coolest guy here so you have to listen to me. Now buy a nuke from me.
  12. Makes you wonder how something that sounds simple is actually alot of work lol. Well I'm sure it's not really that much work it's just probably really tedious.
  13. ^Well cash sounds like it'd be bulky, so I'll take a check. You should have them in... one or two days. Happy nuking Also, want me to get the rest of the nukes as well or will this do?
  14. ^ Because you like Metal Gear Solid? ^ All of them? Uh.... *scratches head* That'd probably be too expensive for you. If you want an estimate, that would cost about.... $340,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Well that might be a little small for all of them, but that all I can get right now. It would take 8 years to amass all the rest of them (and that's not counting the other universes). @Caelistas I can't give away Fuukos. Each one would cost you $100.
  15. Well here's one from one of the doujin's I have on my comp.
  16. ^ I thought YOU was, in some strange way, a loli. At least I read that somewhere.... V Anybody wanna buy my lolification nuke? It turn everything (weather alive or dead (including inanimate objects with the exception of dirt)) within it's blast radius into lolis. Or for OneManArmy (and other non loli lovers), my loli extinction nuke? It kills just lolis within it's blast radius. Well for that one I set it up to where you can only use it in alternate universes that has no connection to this one.
  17. And the super huge ones look weird (to me atleast).
  18. I don't get it at all. I guess it might be funny for some. I just personally don't get it.
  19. Well it's supposed to be your first thought that came to mind from reading the previous post.
  20. It's not 10 digits it's 10 characters damnit. There's a difference!
  21. I have no idea what you just said so.... good luck?
  22. ^ Death... well unless you don't like lolis, then it'd be lolis. Even scary lolis are better then death as long as your a loli lover. But it's arguable if cuddly lolis are better then scary lolis but cuddly lolis are always better then death since death isn't cuddly like cuddly lolis are. But then again scary lolis can be cuddly too for some people but if you aren't one of those people then there is no hope for you so you should just choose death since you won't like lolis and cuddly lolis, and happy lolis, depressing loli, scary lolis, or a loli that is all the above in some strange way so de
  23. Thats more then what I was expecting.
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