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Everything posted by superBlast

  1. I am... then again it could be questionable whether or not if I'm in my right mind. Though I'm sure I am.
  2. You know that wasn't what I meant but that doesn't sound half bad.....
  3. Well I don't really care if they are or not anyways so... I'm just gonna drop it.
  4. Where'd you get rape from? Maybe I should've used a different word instead of screwing haha... let's go with "having sex with 'em" instead.
  5. Well I meant like when noting is grown there, would they still be considered boobs? But yeah I'm not a fan of cows either lol.
  6. I am honest. I don't fap without a pair of boobs in front of me (well for lolis you'd have be extra generous to call 'em boobs hahaha) and I haven't made to to any of Chinami's H-scenes yet.
  7. Well I've never had a real sibling in anyway. The closest thing I've had to a sibling would be my step bro who lived with me for a total of 2 years about. He lived between his mom, grandma, and his dad (which is my stepdad). So the whole concept of having a sister is pretty foreign to me. So my my view on incest would probably very different then those who do have sister (or brother depending on your tastes and gender lol). So for me incest would be kinda like screwing your childhood friend you've lived with your whole life whether you want to live with them or not. But then again, I've nev
  8. Zero, for everything. There's my answer. Ok cool. Not much longer for me then.
  9. ^ Love anyone besides me. Last thing i want is a yandere trying to kill me out of love. But they sure do make very interesting and entertaining stories. V Anyone wanna but one of my experimental nukes? They'll cost you an arm or a leg or both but they can warp the laws of psychics and reality. Well at least when they work. It'll be a while before they leave the "experimental" stage.
  10. You have to do Komono's route before doing Kosame's. And anyone know much further it is until I enter a route? I'm just past the beach scenes now.
  11. Work..... well nevermind. I like being lazy.
  12. ^ I'm pretty sure I'm not.... probably... maybe... yeah.... @ Guy talking to himself, You'll have your squishy after you pay my fee of 250,000 USD. Unless want one of my experimental squishy nuke that makes EVERYTHING within it's blast radius squishy. In that that'll be 10,000,000 USD.
  13. Yes I'll like to place an order of a doaen of those cakes. And maybe a cupcake too.
  14. The cake is a lie cake? Or the other cake?
  15. ^ Damn mindless people... V Just buy a nuke if you want. I don't care anymore.
  16. I have urge to... do very very evil things to them. And then nuke their body parts... so yeah go ahead if you want ^^ I just find them annoying as hell.
  17. Yeah rather not talk about him either.... *shivers*
  18. lmao Ikr. Ah the wonders of google and hormones.
  19. Well I'm on... forever break. I have too much time. I just haven't been able to focus on playing it.
  20. Well, um, yeah... glad to help. I do know two sites that you'll love (well more then likely you've heard of them probably). The first is Konachan.com (They mainly have wallpapers sized pics and most of them aren't 18+) and Gelbooru.com (mostly regular sized pics and a ton of 18+ stuff).
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