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Everything posted by superBlast

  1. superBlast the velociraptor is here to bite stuff!
  2. Mitosis (well the spell checker did go off so it's a word for sure )
  3. @Squirrel Silly squirrel, vibrators are for adults. @Bonus o.O
  4. Well if that's not obvious then I don't know what is. Edit: You... your not saying that because your a trap are you?
  5. ^ The avenger of spammers (I guess) - Those was diagonals? v Is not awesome.
  6. Oda (more words that is just a filler)
  7. Never had to take physics and I know for sure I'd hate it.
  8. Well I recently just finished a route in Sharin no Kuni and now I'm skipping through and picking the choice I didn't pick last time and I got this: http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/5552/12821374.png and laughed my ass off. And then is came to me to make a funny eroge/VN/whatever sceenshot thread and here it is. Though it'd be funnier to read what's happening but this is great by itself I think. So come and laugh and show some screenies of some funny moments in whatever eroge your playing (non-eroge VNs work too.). Try to keep spoilers to a minimum please and.... I guess that's al
  9. manage (just a bunch of words to make my post longer since manage is too short)
  10. Math sucks. I good at it but it's boring as hell.
  11. No he's a hardcore "S" for sure. I don't know why but I found this line to be hilarious.
  12. Me neither actually, but I have watched Hentai with NTR. It spams my rage button.
  13. Well we have a favorite heroine type poll but that one is more about their roles rather then their personality. So I making this. My favorite would be the energetic girls that almost always have way too much energy, gets along with pretty much everyone and generally the total opposite of being shy. I think the reason I them the most is because I wish I was that way myself actually. I like the other kinds too. They all got there own charms I think. So what about everyone else? (I just know the Tsunderes are gonna get alot of votes lol)
  14. I'm with the Gameplay and Story are most important, H-scenes are just a bonus Actually I prefer to only have a few H-scenes (my favorite amount would be 2 per girl) since I don't have enough... em... juice? energy? uh... whatever, for a ton of them and I hate skipping them unless I really not in the mood and I just wanna move on with the story. Actually that's the reason I have even finished a single route in Wanko to Kurasou yet and it's been on my comp for months.
  15. Man poorly drawn games have really shot up. NTR used to be the least favorite. Also I kinda wonder how many people didn't realize it's a multiple choice poll.
  16. 16 vs. 16 See? I told you your "Childhood friend" reign wouldn't last long. Now all we need is one more.... @Haika *Talking like a reporter* How does it feel to be the smallest minority in the forums? *Shoves a mic into your face hoping for an answer*
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