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Everything posted by superBlast

  1. But if it's one of those 20 year old lolis? It's a loli that looks like a loli but is an adult
  2. Lemonade! http://images.wikia.com/happytreefriends/images/4/48/Eyes_Cold_Lemonade.jpg
  3. Yeah Yaoi is a no go for me too. The mere mention of it being in a game (and hentai and H-manga) is enough to make me stay at least a mile away from it. Now Yuri is completely different. I don't mind the idea that you play as a girl at all. It's just all eroge I play has to be that I go for girls. So that means Otome is out of the question for me. The part about going for guys would be... extremely weird and uncomfortable. Well A) I didn't think about those at the time of making the poll B) I don't have enough room. I'm only allowed 10 choices.
  4. Well 13 out of 37 votes says no. But we are a big chuck of the people that voted. But then again that's going strictly by the poll at the top of the page lol. It's possible that there are other people who like lolis but like one of the other choices more.
  5. bosses... bosses.... eh nope I got nothing funny.
  6. Slasherturtle should be called Randomturtle... and then made into soup.
  7. Ok out of boredom where I go to play flash games when I get bored... I found this on the front page... Katawa Shoujo: Symphony of the Feminists Basicly it's a Castlvania: Symphony of the Night clone based off the world that Kenji (the crazy legally blind guy) lives in inside his head... I think. Oh and you play as Kenji. Personally I found this to be stupid but somehow funny at the same time. Good enough time killer atleast. Figured since someone around here would enjoy it (espeically anybody who's a kenji fan). Anywho, I'll just leave this here.
  8. ugly people HAHAHAHA.... hahaha... HAHAHA.... oh man... ugly people.... seriously hahahaha..... that's a good one.... your awesome. Ugly people... wow hahaha.... Wait why am I laughing again?
  9. No your not, or we're all going crazy 'cause I see thomas too. Seriously though, I never thought I'd ever see him again, especially when it's coming from japan.
  10. Your gonna have to vote other for that. The poll only lets me have 10 options.
  11. Ugly trolls everywhere! *goes insane... well more insane... if that's possible*
  12. Boom... I like that. Yeah I like boom. hm....
  13. ash means something was on fire! I like fire too...~
  14. Well Nagisa is my favorite out of all the girls, so it didn't really help much when the anime focused on nagisa mostly, when deciding about playing the VN.
  15. Mainly because I already have an idea of what happens in the game based off the anime.... I guess that's why I haven't played it yet. I'll probrably try it out when I get done with Katawa Shoujo and have the time.
  16. I just try to go for all the routes so I can see all of the stories in the game and that's it (though I fail at that lol). Idc much about unlockables much. To be honest there is only one game I ever got 100% everything on because I got so into the game.
  17. Sengoku Rance will probably be the only game I'll ever play where Idc there is rape in it. It's that good of a game... which reminds me I should finish the other routes...
  18. HAHAHAHAHA nobu is the devi... er, Avenger's sex slave
  19. Wait is that the dango song that the Nagisa girl from clannad loves? Maybe I should finally play it since clannad was one of the first and one of the top favorite anime I've ever watched.
  20. Fate/ Zero and Zombie... something (I'm to lazy to check it's proper name). Those two I know for sure I'm watching. The rest looks like there are good stuff in there but I won't know if I'll like 'em until I watch 'em. I don't trust synopsis of anime anymore (or I should atleast stop trusting them).
  21. I wish for a Misha route too. Hell she was the first one I wanted to go for but it turns out there's no route for her... and I have no idea what that spoiler is about since I'm just starting the shizune route. Now I wonder what it is... I bet I have an idea though now that there is something about her now... hm... damn now I wanna play it more to find out if I'm right.
  22. I figured since there was stuff already about you favorite eroge, and... uh... possibly other threads similar to that, I figured why not make a thread of eroge you don't play, ever. Hm... ok maybe not ever but the ones you generally just stay away from. Me it would be.... old games, poorly drawn looking games, tentacles, rape, ntr, and the ones that barely have a story and is completely about the porn. I think I should explain why about some of them. With old games... that's juts me. I almost never like anything old. Weather it's music, tv shows, anime, or games. Though I have excepti
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