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Everything posted by superBlast

  1. http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BNzM2NDYwNjM3OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNDYxNzk5._V1._SY317_.jpg
  2. Well only thing I could come up with is that it's all the same. But that doesn't feel right though.... hm....
  3. http://www.freefoto.com/images/2000/25/2000_25_53---Number-Twenty-Five_web.jpg
  4. Hahaha you broke the video. This one goes to directly to youtube. See if you can break that one.
  5. This video is my first thought that came to mind
  6. http://chanarchive.org/content/74_sp/2335136/1258094541794.jpg.
  7. Just you wait, we're not done yet. Enjoy your time at the top.
  8. ^Is completely wrong. It took me an hour to reply v Thinks I'm the awesomeist, awesome human being to have ever existed in any universe hahahaha!
  9. I like challenges... unless it means I can't be lazy, then I'll pass. Really? I don't think so... Wait, what? What'd you say?.... Don't you talk like that man.... I said don't talk like that about my mother.... You asshole! RAWR!!!!!!! (end of psychotic episode, the end )
  10. ^ The guy who somehow screwed up the forums, or so I've heard since I wasn't there when in happened
  11. Btw the pic above is cool with it's optical illusion stuff. http://hotels.uptake.com/blog/files/2009/05/twenty-dollar-bill.jpg
  12. ^ Um............................................................................................. yeah I nothing. That's my thoughts.
  13. (idk if periods count so...) Awesome
  14. My adventure today.... stayed up all night, slept from 8am to 4pm and looked around the internet and constantly telling myself I need to get back to making my game and getting ready to continue my current VN instead of working on my game... like have for the past week...
  15. Put cyanide inside the cookies? That's how I think cookies and death mix... or maybe cookies made from the old Grim Reaper?
  16. Shotbox, smoutbox.... posts is where it's at... wait nevermind. He still beat me at that.
  17. Rock 'n Roll! http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/2/27/ElvisPresleyAlohafromHawaii.jpg/220px-ElvisPresleyAlohafromHawaii.jpg Damn he's old... haven't mentioned old stuff sucks?
  18. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_tAftHHt7dxk/S4wrqElmnRI/AAAAAAAACak/KJUKnKLgQCA/s400/funny-pictures-this-cat-will-kill-you.jpg Since you won't give me my food.
  19. Miku's Vegetable Juice~ http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v329/universalstrikers/Kyouran%20Kyodai/snapshot20090210192340.jpg
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