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Everything posted by superBlast

  1. You know what I'm gonna have to do now right? Post a vid. Of course it'd be boring to put up the original. Techno/Trance remix FTW! (even though I don't care much about the song in the first place.)
  2. You know I got a tsundere choice on the thread poll thingy I made. Also lolis are winning
  3. excruciating (Danisco... uh, you did it wrong. Your word is supposed to start with the last letter of the last word.)
  4. ^ is as new of a guy as it's possible since these forums are new too.
  5. I only used the deadbeat dungeon twice. The first was just curiosity of whats there and that's how I got my deadbeat status. The second was because this one dungeon quest thing that's just Wil and Emelita was freakin' hard.
  6. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to brackets. I have no idea if you change it to quotes easily.
  7. Holy crap, grind much? My highest character is only lvl 15. @Zaig Alright. I guess I'll have to keep killing them. Thanks for the advice.
  8. I was gonna hold off on playing these for a while.... but I wanted to check it out too so I ended up using the torrent and playing it. Man it's fun. Good thing I can enjoy simple stories. Plus there's a loli. (Yes the loli helped suck me in to playing it ). So how far has everyone made it to? I'm getting ready to start Chapter 4. Oh yeah, anybody know where to get waterfowl skin to make the swan robe? I figured I could get some from the evil duck looking monsters from Lake Shisetika, but I literally beat a ton of them and none of them gave me any and I don't know where else to look.
  9. http://files.sharenator.com/Glock_37_RE_Number_Game-s450x520-36617.jpg
  10. Your nickname is now, "Mr. Randomturtle". At least that is what I'm calling you from now on, whether you like it or not.
  11. http://www.fudebakudo.com/graphics/gallery_31count_600_x_450.gif
  12. Well I have no idea what my favorite loli is... so instead I'll just go with whatever type of loli Illiya is when she's not trying to kill you.
  13. Well first off I never had many friends to begin with. Probrably due to the fact I move alot and I'm interested in things most people aren't and I'm shy around new people and there isn't anything that's interesting outside of my room. Also I just moved to a whole new state around 6 months ago and I still haven't really met anyone. Short version, I'm all alone T-T.
  14. White, Brown, Red, and Pink (Orange too but that's not up there). I tend to like characters more with the above hair colors. Though that's more of a subconscious thing I bet. I usually don't pay attention to hair colors much though. Though if I think about it, alot of my favorite characters tend to have those colors. Also how the hell can you tell the difference between grey hair and white hair?
  15. Would you let a gopher go if you knew it'd dig under a house enough to make the house collapse somehow?
  16. ^ is correct. I bet I could come up with stuff myself but I'm sure he'd defiantly could come up with stuff that'd be child's play in comparison.
  17. Let me guess, your two favorite kinds of animals to kill is the cute innocent looking ones, and the ones that are really dangerous. The first kind for laughs and the second kind for the thrill. How much of that is right?
  18. ^ is more than likely correct. Though slasher's mind is just random, I think.
  19. As in S&M, which stand for sadists and masochists. If you do that, I wanna know how they react.
  20. Crap he's gonna go all Turok on my ass T-T
  21. I just finished Sharin no Kuni and it was pretty good. I can see why it is some people's favorite, which is why I decided to try it out. Some people said in was their favorite in the "what's your favorite eroge" thread thing. Wouldn't call it my favorite but it sucked me in to where I continuously played it as much as I can. I even got a 100% of it but that was just because I wanted to now what all the endings was like. I'm probably gonna play the fandisc thing that it has, if it isn't too long. (How long is it compared to Sharin no kuni?) If it is then I'm gonna take a break from VNs for a
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