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Everything posted by Slasherturtle

  1. Listening to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCvTyJbtzU4 one of my favorite songs..from Sengoku Rance
  2. Appreciations and gratitude kind person.....thanks for the info.
  3. I'm gonna ask this just to be sure....Which one?

  4. Yeah , that's pretty much the truth...settings determine the plot progress and character decisions.
  5. Writing things down is a great way to feel better and getting a better perspective on something.
  6. World filled with geek otakus riding velociraptors and tentacle monster Yeah, I thought about that.
  7. 4 years I think. I cant really recall when I started.
  8. Yeah, that's true...I got chills from hearing the awesome prologue.(stein's;gate)......Yume Miru Kusuri just made me laugh at first and kind of cry in my heart seeing Aeka.
  9. I saw Fate and wanted to know more about the V.N. That's it I guess. Curiosity and interest led to a hobby of reading V.Ns
  10. I'm new Like just .....-looks at clock- 7 hours ago. Meh, hi again.
  11. Currently on Steins;gate and Yume Miru Kusuri. Trying to play through machine translation patch.....having a serious headache because of it.
  12. Eroge Breeds MORE of it's kind....Fear the eroge king. For his might is lust and temptation....What am I in posting anyway?
  13. It's like seeing Erogedownload.com only with more eroge...........Yeah, thanks for the links Avenger. Not sure if I could have compiled/ found it myself, so thanks. (Still scouring through the site for anything I didn't know about)
  14. Ummm, I just clicked love out of instinct. Thinking back I just love reading interesting stories with wonderfully outlaid plots. Meh, I'll just say I read nearly anything that has ero.
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