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Gerard the Lone Wolf

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Status Updates posted by Gerard the Lone Wolf

  1. Thank you, bro!. ;) (That thing she's holding...lol) >.<

  2. Thank you. Hope you've a nice day too. :)

  3. Thanks Butler. <3 Hope you've an awesome day too. :D

  4. Thanks for the add Uchiha. Now, let's join forces and take over the SB together. Ψ(`▽´)Ψ Muahahaha~~ how about it?

  5. Thanx for the add Cru3l. Now, let us take over SB together! Ψ(`▽´)Ψ Muahahaha~~ lol i'm just kiddin'. ^_^

  6. Thanx for the add. (^,...,^)

  7. Thanx Harley. =)

    Btw, your new avatar looks awesome. :cool:

  8. Thanx Hyro. :) Also, I love that pic. ;)

  9. Yo empulse, haven't seen you in SB for a while. I hope you don't take what he said too seriously. Just ignore him if he get, erm, too annoying. Haha...

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