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Everything posted by Stàr

  1. I did, it was one of the best so far probably my favourite or second favourite

  2. So you can eat bad food and be nagged at all day and not be allowed to talk to other women? Sound worthy of a commoner
  3. So many things are wrong with that post specially if you are part of the western culture.
  4. 10/10 almost as good as mine so in other words incredible
  5. I could disagree with the beginning of your post but I'm tired
  6. 8/10 cause of the improvement it is. @Udizzle I like
  7. I stopped watching when Asuna and Kirito got together so idk but anyone but Asuna
  8. Not something that makes me mad but just complaints. Ranked in League, I'm first pick and last pick calls jungle in chat a second faster than me but because I still pick a jungler because pick order > calling he decides to troll us all giving the enemy first blood, suiciding in what he calls "ganks", and stalking me in my jungle waiting to smite steal or lh the creeps. ~~this doesn't make me rage any more sadly because one gets used to it after seeing it so many times... Not enough time for VNs.
  9. 9.9/10 your name gets in the way of Wanko. No, before when there was only one colour it was acceptable but now it now longer compares.
  10. Happy birthday ; o , Have a good one

  11. Happy Birhtday, have a good time :)




    Wanted something with her dead but this is the best I could find after 15 seconds

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