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Status Updates posted by phantasm

  1. 396755_388973334515970_1107395697_n.jpg

    What will you do ,Gerard ? xDD

  2. Happy Birthday Gerard


  3. Happy Birthday,Dan <3 Wish you have a good year


  4. Hey Higguy,what kind of anime is "Busou Shinki" ?

    Is that a all-girl action anime like madoka ?(I hate those kind of anime)

  5. Hi,Ivan~~

    I get a feeling that you are forgetting baldr sky dive 1.What happened ?Are you just busy or something ?


    Anyways,keep up the great work

  6. Higguy,have you watched Robotics Note ?If so,what is your first impression ?

  7. I hate broken mask.


  8. Ivan,can u upload rewrite in downloadani.me .

    I know the patch is still incomplete but i have slow connection(about 30-50 kbs download speed)and for some reason,torrent don't work for me.

    I want to play rewrite with my japanese listening skill so please upload rewrite for me.

    Sorry if i annoy you.

  9. Ivan,your uploading of untranslated VN is great.I vote for you.

    It is really convenient for some people like me who play untranslated VN(i can listen to japanese ,but can't read)

    And if possible,can u upload baldr sky 1 + 2 in the near future ?


  10. me too.Thank for inviting me.

  11. Of course I know MAL(in fact,every otaku should know MAL).

    It is just that MAL doesn't work for me at the moment.I get a "problem loading page" error everytime I load it(maybe it is just a temporary error or because of my slow connection today).

    HaHa~~I think I make you think I am a newb. :)

  12. So,there is no guy or no romance in it,right ?

  13. Thank a lot.I know u are a good guy.

    I will wait patiently.Thank.

  14. Thank for accepting me.

  15. Thank for inviting me.

  16. Thank for the add.I am really grateful.

    So what happen to my request about uploading "rewrite" on downloadani.me.

    Can u reply me if u can or can't ?

    Sorry if i annoy you

  17. Thank Ivan .I really appreciate it.

  18. Thank u for considering my request.

    Also,posting screenshot under the VN is a good idea.It is helpful.

    I don't want to make a thread just to request a VN and as u know,torrent don't work for me so only u can help me.So,does it okay to post my comment here if i have future request ?

  19. What is your rating about it?

    Figure-size girl interests me.

    Might watch it if it is good.

  20. You are missing "Little busters" in your list. You should read it too.You will definitely like it.

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