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Everything posted by Avenger

  1. You think it's gonna be easier telling everybody who asks specific names, or just putting the names for all of them on there? I know which whould be less effort. (the latter option)
  2. E (Another place name, couldn't stop myself.)
  3. Ae Yep, a real word (place name).
  4. Whoa lots of pictures. It might be worthwhile saying which game each pic is from in case people (me) don't know them all and find them interesting and want to play them. Obviously I get most of them, but there are a couple there I don't recognise.
  5. ^a spammer. > likes me /| does not exist |\ also does not exist |/ does exist, but we can't see them \| mmmmhhh cookies V didn't know those 4 were diagonals.
  6. I'll try something risky here and say: Tales I know it's more of a game series but they have some anime ones too, it'd be awesome to see them as a fantasy/fighting eroge like FS/N
  7. Hmmm one way I get 小島 Kojima (small island) 雄大 Masahiro (big hero) Now that makes sense. I'm awesome and I live in Britain. While it's not exactly a small island, it's not large either. My name backwards is: 石丸 Ishimaru (round stone) 照 Teru (illuminate) Ok... I don't even want to know. Arthur Pendragon (King Arthur) gets: 山下 Yamashita (under the mountain) 竜也 Tatsuya (be a dragon) Now that is fitting, is it not? (and tells us where he's burried ) And for those of you who've played Fate/Stay Night, Arturia Pendragon 藤原 Fujiwara (wisteria fields) 三千代 Michiyo (th
  8. No it wasn't multiple choice. Childhood friends are all well and good, but they can never beat the flat-chestedness of lolitas!
  9. Yeap, Story is the most important, gameplay can add a re-playability & enjoyment factor and H-scenes are just lots of fun. Too much of any of them can lead to a bad game, but that's mostly true for h-scenes.
  10. Final Fantasy .hack Dragon Quest Tales (not many in English though D: )
  11. Play DOR. Or try to. I've never played it myself since I think it's too old to work on my computer. But being old, I'm sure it has old-fashioned graphics, which generally don't look as nice. Stereotypes ftw
  12. I don't really fap to eroges either. MGQ had 40 H scenes? Did you play the demo instead? It had more like 400
  13. Yep, a bit like a tamer version of that girl from Discipline.
  14. It depends what you define as a "word". If it can be chemical names, Titin is the longest. The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano; medically, it is the same as silicosis. The word was deliberately coined to be the longest word in English, and has since been used in a close approximation of its originally intended meaning, lending at least some degree of validity to its claim. The long
  15. Yep, guess Exsilon won there. Same deal as last time, copy rules but choose your own item to find.
  16. Divinity 2: Dragon Knight Saga Such an awesome (though under-rated) RPG
  17. ^ facepalm discombobulated past participle, past tense of dis·com·bob·u·late Verb: Disconcert or confuse (someone). Did I not confuse you by saying bobudisconlated (even if I misspelt it with a n instead of a m)
  18. Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu Also that is one word, but it puts a space in the middle of a page if it's one long word >_
  19. Eeyup Yes it is. Also please make one ending in a t.
  20. ^ can't either > google discombobulated V ignores me
  21. Disestablishmentarianism
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