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Everything posted by Rooke

  1. Rooke


    That's pretty standard for Key. People either love their games, or they are bored by them, there doesn't seem to be much middle ground. I have my theories about this but I'm not going to spout them here. Personally I really liked Kanon, but was bored by Clannad and Little Busters. I know someone else who loved Air and Clannad, but was bored by Kanon and Little Busters. On a technical point of view, I'm not a fan of the sheer amount of bloat and fluff Key fills their games with, so I'm going to give this one a miss.
  2. It's a very nice sprite. However, I'm still looking for an improvement in the writing before I start getting excited. If the writing improves before the final release I'd definitely look into it. As it stands, however, the writing is off-putting. I have high standards, though
  3. Yeah, I'm getting sick of seeing that retarded argument floating all over the place. That being said, loppez is going way too far with his criticisms.
  4. Got any reasons for why the game is good besides 'naked monster girls'?
  5. Demon Master Chris. Better combat system than Raidy, nicely balanced RPG, pretty damn fun. It gets tedious on long play throughs because of how repetitive it is, but it's great in short bursts. Considering it was made by one person, it's an impressive piece of work.
  6. MGQ3 should be in contention for the shittiest game released all year. Full of redundant mechanics, shitty story, just download the CG gallery and be done with it.
  7. A little point to remember. If people have tried the demo and want the game, and they can afford it, then they should buy it. Pirating from big companies may be seen as fine, but it's definitely not cool to pirate from Indies just because you want things for free. And Loren's a pretty good game, so it's worth buying imo. Carry on.
  8. Raidy 3 licensed, Yumina going golden master, what a wonderful week it's been
  9. (Uh oh. It sounds like I wrote something stupid while doped up on berries. whatdidiwrite WHATDIDIWRITE?!) *Scrolls up... reads post...ponders ... and ponders..... slowly ponders some more... and scrolls back down* *Cough* Correction. I’ll support MOST attempts… not ALL but SOME attempts, at bringing VNs to a wider audience. MOST attempts..just SOME not ALL.. but MOST of the non-serious-influential dodjfhdifhfosghsfolsadnsafdsiffnsdfiolfndsfoiashdsadioasdsaf MY HAAIIIIRRRRRRRRR fdhfidsfhodsfikfnfsdjfbsdfgui *head explodes* ... ... This is all your fault! Oh ... My
  10. You sound like a kid Don’t like the game? Don’t buy it. Want to read it but don’t like the translation? Then learn Japanese like people used to. Want to have a cry? Then get a blog or log on to twitter. I have no patience for spoilt brats, who think they’re owed the fucking world, chucking tantrums because everything they wanted wasn’t delivered to them on a silver platter. Does Moenovel’s localisation piss you off? Tough shit, that’s life. Take the silver spoon out of your arse, neck up, and stop whining like a fucking girl. You want to rip into me because evil Moenovel killed your dog an
  11. I hadn't realised it had already been uploaded It makes sense now, but I'm a little out of it atm, it's taking me some time to readjust I might download it just to laugh at the translation. Anyone else think this move reeks of desperation brought on by the state of the industry in Japan? Moenovel is a sister company of Pulltop, right (please tell me I have this piece of information correct XD)It feels like this wasn't just a push into western markets, this was a pretty damn aggressive move which came almost out of the blue to try and open itself up to as many new potential buyers as possi
  12. *Bleh*, no thanks. Not my type of game. I support what Moenovel is trying to do, because the industry is in decline and opening up new markets won't hurt it, but I don't have the dosh to buy a game I'm not interested in. I struggle to find enough money to buy the games I AM interested in. ... I'm too poor. I need to find a rich woman, marry her and freeload off her for the rest of my life *ho ho ho*
  13. The game's released already?! When did this happen? Last time I looked it was still weeks away. Shit, where does the time go? Sorry, I've been real busy last couple of months . Just catching up with everything now. Did the translation show any improvements over the demo?
  14. That's a pretty decent article, but I have a couple of (minor) issues concerning it. You're going to have to help me out here. I've heard this quote thrown around (although sometimes it's '13 year old French girl' or even '14 year old French girl') but I can't find the original interview it came from. What I have found, instead, is an interview on the web where Moenovel said this: Interview with Fujisan from MoeNovel | Rice Digital Which is fair enough really. Also, concerning points 4 and 5 above, Persona 3 and 4 on the PS2 was pretty popular with girls, and that game invol
  15. A new group seems to have picked it up. The good news is that their scans seem to be of decent quality (I've only seen their scans of Horimiya so don't quote me on this), the bad news is the group is new and its future is uncertain.
  16. Nobunaga no chef... which is like a poor man's Jin. It's really good if you like time travel stories like Eric Flint's '1632' or S M Stirling's 'Island in the Sea of Time'.
  17. I don't think they've turned anything upside down... yet. They've had a lot of poo thrown at them by people on the internet, but that's a tediously common occurance these days and isn't, by itself, a noteworthy achievement
  18. Demonbane. The game feels like it's rushing through the storyline. Otherwise it's brilliant.
  19. Moenovel is doing some interesting things. I hope they succeed
  20. Monster Girl Quest 1+2 It's repetitive and full of pointless gameplay mechanics.
  21. I didn't like Kyou's route because love triangles usually bore me. Didn't like Ryou's route either. I was fast forwarding through both routes as fast as I could mash the mouse button. Actually, the only route I really enjoyed in Clannad was Misae's route. I thought Tomoyo was okay, and Nagisa's route was worth playing through because of the parents, didn't really like her much though. So for me, Misae>Common route>Tomoyo>Nagisa > everybody else... eh, the stories in Clannad didn't really resonate with me. I much prefer Kanon tbh.
  22. I know exactly what you're looking for, because I look for the exact same thing. That's the good news. The bad news is that they are really, really hard to find and can be quite (very) expensive because these monitors are mainly used by visual artists, photographers and such. Furthermore, they traditionally have slow response time compared to monitors which are for gaming (that's part of the price you have to pay,) but the response/refresh times are getting better. What you want to pay attention to is the panel technology. LCD monitors come with 3 (some say 4) types of panels. TN (twisted n
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