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Everything posted by napoleon

  1. napoleon

    Purin to Ohuro

    how do i get occulus rift support, tia
  2. Maybe you should learn the aztec calendar as described in the first divine precept?
  3. napoleon

    Mamatoto ~a record of war~

    keep up the good work timestampers. Mamatotoot first noted on 7/15(17?)/2/0001 as per the prescribed calendrical system of Non.
  4. COH2 is dope and WW2 Technology is sufficiently impressive. I liked Men of War better as an RTS but COH Has the right blend of basé building, resource control, and assaults
  5. I think the Free planets Alliance was superior to the Galactic Reich because although it was burdened with its own political inefficiencies it did retain a democratic governance, which properly operated, is the best governance.
  6. This mix from modestep reminds me of the bigup days. and what hte hell is that tractor gif from?
  7. Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu, or Legend of the Galactic Heroes, is an OVA that began airing in the late 80s and ran into the late 90s based on an earlier manga that ran for roughly the period. During its course it spawned two seperate movies and two OVAs. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v242/djay666/General%20Bin/LT/logh.jpg Legend of the Galactic Heroes is part of the Space-Opera genre and its plot focuses on the military rivalry and politcal machinations the of Galactic Empire's Reinhardt von Lohengram and his rival, the Free Planet's Alliance own great captain Yang Wen-li and the movements
  8. Ugh, I have to play and watch this before I determine labels like "historically deconstructionist" are appropriate. Keep fighting the good fight IJN. [spoiler=opinion] I take slight issue with a lot of the revisionism that involves attaching 'cute' girls to things like Axis powers or the IJN navy. Reading about the Sino-Japanese conflict and the eventual escalation into the Pacific theater ending with countless dead kind of takes the shit out of anime and games like this.
  9. these are really nice rules. It is strange though I do not think I've seen them applied, especially seeing as this is my first time seeing them. ha ha. Courtesy is nice, language is whatever. I'm more concerned with content but sometimes it seems like anything goes and that in itself is a can of worms. Too bad we don't have to accept an agreement... As far as these rules go, I'm unsure i've seen demonstrable evidence of these rules being heeded or even read, contrary opinions and being fresh to the community are deathwishes tho. cheers, goodnight.
  10. funny about Gris' MC being a badass compared to Rance, how many girls did he sleep with? But you know what they say about opinions. Glad tosee Shin Koihime Musou making progress, and keeping pennies in my wish jar to make the eventual purchase of it. woo
  11. this thread is rude and i would like i t o stop
  12. napoleon

    Sword Daughter

    noted on 6/6/6/ the bunber uisdf beassdg lutysdk nerroksf ;lapohnas' davdsogf hail stan
  13. Heh, I complained that steam was branching into more software and media yet VNs seemed to have been left out. Seeing Sakura Spirit and NekoPara on sale has reversed this opinion of mine. //rambling Its a shame that Little Witch doesn't portray the girls more strongly or independent, i would have thought that a mahou shoujo type deal place an emphasis on those qualities. Hopefully the gameplay is good and story is enjoyable.
  14. seems pretty good! I hope it is anyways
  15. first noted on ::timestamp(1010,rectcurr30,crtyr i love me some lilith
  16. I learned the value of (hardly)work and consequence. Failed an entire semester of classes, thought I knew everything, procrastinated until past due dates, didn't even get out of bed most days. I've had a taste of what failure is like and let me tell you it burns your conscience. Some work well under pressure, I only work under pressure. Some learn the easy way, I only learn the hard way.
  17. hey rasta bro dont be gettin giggly brained on me now, ur wisdom is whack but your words ring my bell
  18. i aint got too high a criteria for cranking mah tool but I really like proportional bodies... is kissxsis even hentai? i dont remember any penetration
  19. hey, you said hypno training got like a 2/10 and I kinda agree i thought it didnt look to bad but the scenes are bad and the game is bad dont rape your family with hypnosis!
  20. napoleon

    Tasty Shafts

    two dudes got the same hair, no wonder she cant choose. fuckin photocopies
  21. napoleon

    Phantom of Inferno

    oh fuck me i bought it and it ships soon.
  22. napoleon

    Pick Me, Honey!

    first noted as of 2001/12/12. ((LATE POST))3
  23. napoleon

    Aselia the Eternal

    It was pretty interesting, especially the fantasy setting. I didn't like the separate versions meaning I want my H-scenes even if I won't fap to em!
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