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Everything posted by napoleon

  1. napoleon

    Chichi Miko!!

    they are going to have some serious back problems
  2. ive never been one for giant boobs but who knows, you gotta try what you dont know you like to make sure you dont like it and i like boobs and milk from boobs is still milk so who knows this could be good
  3. thats the point of these comments, i find yours informative it didnt influence my decision to download it. good bad villains are pretty rare, i wouldnt rank any as memorable
  4. Heh Clannad Afterstory. I watched a bit of it with a friend then we finished it up separately. I saw his puffy eyes one day and was like "you saw it, didn't you?". Had a good time rocking out to Kyou and Tomoyo arcs too.
  5. do the first one because thats the slice of life harem comedy that you might be after, if you are into the series and want to continue then ultimate then alternate or w/e. its p easy. if you do all routes it fleshes out the story, only Meiya and Sumika are really necessary. hth the ero is kinda gay to be honest, the most is in Muv Luv (originale)
  6. yo man 4/10 ya sig is way better at like a 9/10 wanko so cool
  7. thanks for answering this for me it helps explain some things i was wondering about . Japan seems very unique, even more so from my western perspective than say China! I think maybe its because of isolation that things are adapted and transformed to 'japanese', like the writing style and business culture but you would know more than I.
  8. napoleon

    Sakura Beach

    i miss omega
  9. ace combat 6, battlefield 3, shogun 2. yeah so what if i like sending virtual people to their deaths?
  10. napoleon

    Ame no Marginal

    Ero, comedy and drama. The three elements of style. I wonder if this has comedy?
  11. i heard japan's constitution is being changed to allow for more aggressive military action. thoughts?
  12. whats the deal with the emperor? is he found in public appearances often?
  13. any remnants of the ikko ikki around? whats the variation in religion? Do many practice cultural Buddhist rites if they are not buddhist?
  14. use the library and watch/read there from online, its fairly commonplace. or use a guest account or unregistered laptop and see what shit flies and what doesn't as far as campus network policy goes. alternatively find other otaku or weeaboos and get their files.
  15. Muvluv alternate? alternative? the stupid spinoff that im going to enjoy because sumika.
  16. the secret to finishing nukige trash is to 100% it and never look back, since the file is gone looks like i have some work to do
  17. shogun 2. i dont have much interest in japan but god damn do they know how to slaughter each other.
  18. Tomoyo was the best girl not at all like that stinky poor Nagisa or Doubletwin. good review
  19. whats an isual novel good work monsters among us, never forget desi's mistake and Ivan's cover up!
  20. it'll be ready when its ready. I mean, Miyako got finished so I have hope for all the titles.
  21. Cool thanks, I hate majikoi's golden week. Straight to the good stuff and you know its Miyako route.
  22. napoleon

    Purin to Ohuro

    woh, hardcore
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