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Everything posted by killerinsidee

  1. I haven't read Clannad raw, but I'm pretty sure that it's so easy that it can be translated with a MT like that, i.e., MT won't make a lot of epic failures in the TL. It's possible that someone just MT'd it and edited a bit, but it's definitely readable from what I remember.
  2. ^ Did they just "leave out" Doki from the whole thing or what? I can't see any mention of Doki anywhere. Doki claims that Sekai will be assisting them (Clannad Visual Novel Getting Official Localization « Doki Fansubs), yet Sekai is doing the whole project thing. Sekai wrote this on the project page - "The team of translators we have hired to work on CLANNAD are industry veterans who have worked on many titles such as the hit series Attack on Titan's manga and light novel." I don't think they're talking about people from doki, also https://twitter.com/koestl/status/530120183760056321. From t
  3. They will probably reach the needed sales sales at some point, the key words being at some point . You can compare this to their "Koihime voice" goal, which was 2000 sales to include voices into the game. That took 1 year and some months. I doubt Supipara Chapter 1 will help all that much. Buying the 1st part of some game that may not ever be completed is a bit odd. This is why a kickstarter makes much more sense, there is a sense of urgency and if the goals are funded, you will know exactly if the game (Supipara) will be finished or not. What would happen in case only the 1st goal gets fund
  4. That is all good and great, but they would need 10,000 sales (at 50% off) just to hit the first goal, then 10,000 more to hit the 2nd. Of course, half of that at full price. I guess the first 10k is feasible, not really sure about the rest. (The minori fund-raising project - Help visual novel developer, minori, in completing the Supipara Series!) Edit: I still think they should have just made a "kickstarter grisaia project". That project will get a fuckton of money for sure (probably way more than MG's goals), while MG will be struggling with these sales just to prove some point. I want t
  5. How the hell do they plan reach the money goal to fund the other minori stuff with 50% off? Hopefully it's not just wishful thinking on their part.
  6. Well fuck, why does Harle get 2 likes and I get only 1. Is it because I'm Indian? DarkSin racist. *cries in the corner* Edit: Also remember to comment, leave a video response and follow me on twitter. That will be sufficient.
  7. Mah feedback and some suggestions or whatnot. No trolling, I promise...well maybe a little bit. Also a lot of my personal nitpicking. (Keep in mind that this is just my opinion bla bla fuck you stuff) 1. Put the "company intro clip" and the "this is fiction, ..." stuff to the game launch, not when you press -Start-. 2. I didn't like the textbox "size change" when there are 3 or 4 lines in the box, it was a bit distracting. I would prefer it to be stationary...like in just about every other VN. Also, why not have square brackets on the spoken text? 3. There is a bit too much flowery languag
  8. Chronologically (story wise), Ikusa Megami Zero is the 1st game, so you could start there. However, you would need to go through Genrin no Kishougun and Genrin no Kishougun 2 to get to Ikusa Megami VERITA. After those 4 games, the next one is Tenbin no La DEA, which is actually the remake of https://vndb.org/v770 which also has a sequel https://vndb.org/v557. One thing I should mention; there is a free "VN without gameplay" that Eushully released - https://vndb.org/v7573. As you can read from the description, it tells the story from the "first 3 games" without gameplay elements, so you can go
  9. No one mentions Sumika, wtf...desi will be sad. That's the reason why I would play it :>
  10. Downloading it right now...

  11. ^ @Harle, fair enough. I didn't check that review page since it's probably longer than the game itself xD.
  12. ^ I doubt I'll ever play it, but based the ratings it doesn't seem to be all that epic. The translator(s) must have liked it a lot (for some reason) to translate it instead of just going into Root Double or whatever else was had planned after.
  13. Yeah, that's a premium edition. Getchu.com¡§18¶Ø¾¦ÉÊ is the standard, I linked the wrong one.
  14. ^ Most longer new VNs tend to cost around ¥10,000 or more (tax included), Getchu.com¡§18¶Ø¾¦ÉÊ Getchu.com¡§18¶Ø¾¦ÉÊ Getchu.com¡§18¶Ø¾¦ÉÊ Problem is that the older games don't drop in price all that much unless they release some "best price version" or "budget version". The price doesn't drop even with countless re-releases, like from Key and Circus. Getchu.com¡§18¶Ø¾¦ÉÊ Getchu.com¡§18¶Ø¾¦ÉÊ Getchu.com¡§18¶Ø¾¦ÉÊ all still cost ¥9,504 (with tax included). It would cost you around $265 to buy the whole trilogy. *sigh* Still can't edit posts with links in them, forum bugged :/
  15. ^ That's actually a nice surprise. I guess they decided to fuck steam in case it tries to bullshit around the all-ages version - "We will have a edition with the mature content uncut on our own platform; we're working on bringing the all-ages version of the trilogy to Steam, but if Steam rejects the games, then we will release the all-ages versions on our platform as well.". In any case, I can't remember how much money Aroduc's (c&d'd) project got, but it got funded fast as hell. This one shouldn't have any problems either, especially with the anime airing. - Also a nice fact
  16. ^ That's not really the "big question", it's not even a question. Kajitsu = all ages on steam, so you can be sure that Meikyuu will be 18+, duh. *sigh* Is this really the first thing some people wonder about when some new awesome(?) VN is licensed. :/
  17. Neither Mangagamer nor JAST have partnership with Atelier Sakura as far as I know so there's little to no chance of it happening. Also, these kind of short NTR games are not really the most popular things for someone to pick up and fan translate. Don't get your hopes up.
  18. It's easily downloadable from the anime sharing xdcc bots - Packlist
  19. You can change your Windows color to 16bit and it will work, however, the window size in these old Giga games is really damn small. Baldr Bullet is made on the same engine and the best way I was able to get it to work properly is with Virtual Box. It's the best one to use for these games because you can resize the window and it will scale properly. If you try with VMWare, it won't scale right and the screen will go blank. That's all you can do really. Edit: http://i.imgur.com/a6TN8am.jpg
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