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Everything posted by killerinsidee

  1. Either it's Cartagra without preorders or something else, I guess.
  2. According to «ˆ¤Šw‰€‚Ó‚¥‚¿‰È U—ª by ‹ðŽÒ‚ÌŠÙ Don't pick 「I don't care」, pick the other choice (don't know how it's translated). The rest is fine as is.
  3. ^ Just hope they don't pull a Shinikiss on this one.
  4. ^ /jp/ - Otaku Culture » Thread #12409378 Nice read, have fun and "rejoice".
  5. It's nice to have Eden* at least, but I'm kind of skeptical about the Supipara "funding" thing. There was some interview with the president of Minori a while back and he said that the development costs a shitload of money. It's a really short game (2-10 hours) so they can't exactly put a $50 price tag on it. They said "once the profits from eden release 100k, we'll do supipara ch1, at 200k, we'll do ch2" then "however, the sum profit from all 3 games will then be going into the development of the rest of supipara". It's really hard to tell if they can pull off 200k from Eden*. They are better
  6. ^ I have no idea what you're talking about : O Anyways, the lack of interest in finishing the last 9k~ lines of EX is disappointing. High hopes for Angel Beats and Tomoyo After ME. You're saying that 一色ヒカル sucks? Heretic -.-
  7. EX adds a few h-scenes, 3 The voice actors are the same. Key deliberately cast "eroge seiyuu" so they could make a 18+ version without changing anything. 18+ was planned from the start (cash grab), unlike Tomoyo After.
  8. ^ http://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=4907
  9. ^ Oh, I apologize. Forgot to turn off the sarcasm mode.
  10. ^ Make sure you turn off the h-scenes first...
  11. ^ I like that you like. Doubt they can mess up the coloring tbh.
  12. What a coincidence, I like Visual Novels and prefer magic over physical attacks, too! You must be new, I haven't seen you in these parts before. In any case, nice to meet you! Hope we get along from now on and forever and ever and ever and ever and ever! kyaa kyaa >.
  13. VN installations (raw or otherwise) are the same as any other installation. No idea what you're talking about.
  14. ^ It says that your executable is broken. No clue what you did to get that error.
  15. ^ What you're saying is that the MT is not bad, but also, the normal TL isn't bad either? I would expect the TL from Sable Crow to be much better. Has anyone else read the normal prologue TL and compared it?
  16. You could always just read it raw. Unless I'm misunderstanding something, you seem to have a decent amount of knowledge of the Japanese language, so why not use it? I think you should be apple to read it. Also, it's not that long.
  17. ^ There is nothing to "royally fuck up". It's just a matter of how much porn they're going to allow on there. What did you think they'd do exactly?
  18. ^ Not bad. Still, steam should really make up their mind about this sort of shit sooner or later. I can imagine that people from sekai project had to jump through a fuckton of hoops to get this approved. inb4 JAST's Family Project double bra.
  19. ^ "proposed 18+ solution" any clue what that means?
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