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Everything posted by killerinsidee

  1. That shouldn't matter at all. Patch 1.2 just contains some translation updates, it doesn't really alter anything (other then what patch 1.0 already does).
  2. Actually, they already did it once - Go! Go! Nippon! ~My First Trip to Japan~ Doubt it will happen again though.
  3. I guess it's a gonna be a bit hard to find these VNs for some people. I found Fading Hearts, but I can't find the Parallel side story or what ever it is.
  4. killerinsidee


    I meant that future character development will be nice to see.
  5. killerinsidee


    Well, the character development should be interesting to see, since there was not a lot of it so far.
  6. Mahoutsukai no Yoru will also be a side project for Amaterasu in the near future.
  7. Let's not forget Otoboku (currently being translated by Mangagamer) - Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru .
  8. killerinsidee


    This episode is the one I liked the least so far. KyoAni did try to make up for the lame conclusion of the mystery, but it wasn't enough this time. The pacing of this episode was really off for some reason. I guess this is the "end of the Hyouka mystery", but it's still kind of a strange conclusion. I didn't expect it to be that easy, thought it would twist for 1-2 more episodes. I'm really interested to see where they take it from this point, they can go a lot of ways I guess.
  9. Ye, let's not start this stuff on this section. There are plenty of sections for random chatter.
  10. There's a huge possibility that your game files are corrupted. Try to re-install it. Before re-installing, delete the save data from the documents (be sure to backup that data before deleting it), delete the leftover game folder (after uninstall) and run a clean game (not translated). If you still get the error on the original game without the patch (you still need to install the official game update 1.1), then your files are corrupted and you will need to re-download the game. If the game runs fine then the problem is in the english patches, in that case re-download the patches (also download
  11. You shouldn't worry about getting that 5 % patch yet. When/if it gets translated, someone will leak it right away.
  12. 6, 8, 9 and 10 are being translated at the moment. 6th will probably come out first, followed by 8th.
  13. Thank you for the contribution. Added a link to your post in the OP.
  14. I agree. Some criticism is fine, but this amount of bashing is getting out of hand. I'll just say this - Opinions will always be just opinions. If those games sell, then someone must like them. At the end of the day, if she doesn't like the content why does she still play them?
  15. Desi is probably right. The Untroll patch also contains the official 1.1 game update, so you probably didn't have it installed prior to installing the English patch. If you resolved it, then it's all good. Though the instructions that I wrote work 100 %, I tested it countless times.
  16. The links are dead. I'm just getting the "invalid link" screen, no antivirus stuff. Remove any toolbars or any similar crap from your browser. Also run Malwarebytes to get rid of any additional crap that may cause this.
  17. It would a wall of text to discuss the pros and cons of Diablo 3 tbh. One thing you can't deny is that the game is just damn fun. Problem comes after the initial "zomg this game is fucking awesome" passes. It all depends on how long it take you to get bored of it for that price tag, since that game (like WoW) has no real end. You can "finish" it by killing the last boss, but then you just go back to the start to do it again and again. There's nothing wrong with that, I did the same thing in WoW for 5 years. The way I see Diablo at the moment is similar to 1 instance tier from WoW, by length an
  18. Are you using ITH + Translation Aggregator ?
  19. Just a tip for anyone that plans to buy Diablo 3 any time soon. I noticed that some people on this forum have bad internet connections, so I need to warn you - If your connection is very slow, have disconnect issues or unreliable internet, you will NOT be able to play it properly. Even if you plan to play alone i.e. " single player" you will have problems if your internet sucks. There is no offline mode, everything is connected with the server - your spells, mob spawning, map generation, item drops etc. In other words, you will lag(slowdowns, timeouts) even when playing alone if your internet
  20. There's some more info about it here - Adult Swim Brings Back Toonami Block Starting on May 26 (Update 2) - News - Anime News Network and Toonami Revival to Have 'New Original Anime Programming' - News - Anime News Network
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