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Everything posted by Dan.

  1. Lol, I know, isn't it terrible? I will pm you, because people will read anything in spoiler tags.
  2. Dan.


    I watched the ova of this a while ago. It made me want to play the vn. But it's not english
  3. A Jast Saiyan would look more like this: http://i.imgur.com/YalA1.png?1 He's not a super Saiyan yet, but he'll be one soon™
  4. lol inb4 this turns into a thread where everybody's jast making jokes substituting "jast" for "just"
  5. The hype is just because it's Key. Everything Key is amazing.
  6. OK, I wasn't sure which one you were saying.
  7. Lots of female voice actors (At least Japanese and American ones) do male voices. I can't think of any male role that Horie Yui's done before though.
  8. Another subahibi micro-update to 56.3% If they have lots of micro-updates so close together, it's real just a normal update.
  9. Dan.


    Way back on the first page of this thread, we were talking about accel world. He's new, so he probably just started reading this thread, and then responded to something we said months ago.
  10. subahibi micro-update from 54.5% to 55.6%
  11. Yeah, and it's never going to be a perfect patch anyway just because things don't translate perfectly from one language to another and translation always ends up being somewhat the personal preference of the translator and things like that. Meh, I'll just shut up now.
  12. It doesn't even matter to me anyway, since I've already played it. But think of all the people like me (there might be a few) who will suffer because of the bad grammar that is still left in the game (okay, maybe nobody's as retarded as I am about grammar, but what if someone is, and that person plays this game?).
  13. I am confused. They didn't even finish editing it. You're all going to be playing a worse version of the patch than you could have been playing if they had made all of my suggested changes. But at least it will be 10,000 times better than the version I played. EDIT: It says v1, so maybe they just wanted to get out a complete patch, and a better version will be coming soon (or soonish).
  14. Are you saying you sound like your avatar?
  15. yeah, everyone was having fun with jokes about my period updates in one of the older vn status threads
  16. YES. And make sure you play the after story part of it too.
  17. You should still play Clannad. It's the best VN ever.
  18. I don't want to have to wait another year or something for a season 2, but i don't want things to be crammed into less one season if the quality of the story would suffer. Well, it's obviously not the Ecstasy version, because it's not going to have h-scenes - it's based on the Memorial Edition.
  19. Dan.


    Isn't that just the ova that already came out?
  20. Dan.


    Last episode sucked. Oreki has changed because he's actually doing something bothersome of his own free will. And the reason he did it was for Chitanda. And at the end they implied he has feelings for her. People were hoping for all these things and they actually happened, so it should why did I say it sucked? Because it was all so predictable and boring. Chitanda is pretty and Oreki gets embarrassed looking at her - it's already happened in every episode. There was nothing new in this episode. And they just crammed a mini-mystery in there because this show is supposed to be about mysteries, b
  21. But I thought you liked that sort of thing.
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