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Everything posted by Dan.

  1. http://i.imgur.com/LCKbh.jpg Because nothing's more important than a sandwich
  2. Dan.


    There's probably no real reason to hide her face. The only reason I could think of to hide it from the viewers would be if there was a photograph or something that we'd seen before with her in it that could give something away, but I don't remember seeing anything like that. Maybe there will be something later on in the show, or maybe it's just pointless face-hiding.
  3. Dan.


    The "Chitanda knows her" thing could just be Chitanda realizing that she looks like Oreki.
  4. It probably just shrinks it to 768 height, and the 1229 is what the width comes out to. It might also have a max width that it shrinks too if the image has wider proportions.
  5. oh, and ep 6 will also be aired next week on the same day as ep 5. they will be broadcast one after the other.
  6. So much Key-related good news. This makes me very happy.
  7. ep 5 airs next week. the olympics messed up scheduling for several shows.
  8. That only works because your images are 1024 x 768. That Saya picture is resized because it's bigger than that.
  9. Oh. I might be retarded. It's only 1229x768 for me too. For some reason I thought it was full size before. I must be retarded.
  10. It's still the full size. It shows a thumbnail in the post. When you click on it, it fits to the screen. If you click it again, you go to the full size image. Even when it's fit to the screen, it's the full size image, just displayed smaller, not a resized image. Oh, and nice saya wallpaper.
  11. USHIO!!!!! http://i.imgur.com/hYJ6A.jpg And here's the bigger version if anyone wants to download it or anything:
  12. Period is finally done! Translation and Editing are both complete. Now all that's left is to wait for the patch to be released.
  13. Well don't worry, you can just ignore him. Almost all the other members are nice people. Even Nobu's not so bad all the time.
  14. You can just ignore anything Nobu says. Nobu, you're scaring the new members.
  15. I can't wait for this game. It's gonna be awesome. I'm so glad a good group is translating it.
  16. Dan.


    I just watched episode 16. Another pretty good one, with some more mystery elements in it. It kind of seems like they're stretching it too much - like they're spreading out the mystery to put in more stuff to attract viewers, when all I really want is the mystery stuff. At least there wasn't too much gay manga club stuff in this episode. I don't know why they don't just show us Oreki's sister's face. It's just dumb that they don't.
  17. I haven't played remember11 or ever17. But ever17 is at the top of my list of vns to play... just as soon as I have enough space to download/install it.
  18. the tentative release date the translator/editor/hacker/everything else for this project gave was August 15th (11 days from now), and right now it seems like he'll make it.
  19. Period 100% Translation, 96.64% Editing Almost done!
  20. Well, good news for you - the Tomoyo After patch should be coming out sometime soon. If you didn't know, Tomoyo After is a game featuring Tomoyo from Clannad as the only heroine. It picks up a little after the end of the Tomoyo route in Clannad and gives you more of what happens between the two of them afterwards.
  21. Like desi said, there's no set release date. I don't know if they solved the problem with the rpg yet, but there's still tons of editing to be done. If you printed the error reports page it would be more than 70 pages, and that's only stuff that still needs to be fixed.
  22. yup, i agree with this. except when you already picked a girl and they won't leave you alone and then turn yandere out of jealousy. that's a little too dere for me.
  23. I'm not complaining about that part; it's the way they get sick that's just stupid. And you're missing a ] in the first
  24. I think you need to add some zeroes to that number... Oh, and they don't even know what a cold is. When you have a cold in Japan, you always have a high fever and can't even get out of bed.
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