Well, the title says it all really. Actually, why have I created this group? I think I'm just bored. Oh well.
Don't forget to take part in group discussions if you want.
Kyokuza here...~ I'm a fan of light novel!
Anyway isn't obvious ? why i'm making this group? need talk more?~!
Don't like light novel?~ Why not try to like it?
(Don't like it? PUCK off..) :D
The club for those of us who are wiling to put up with the cold hard shell of a tsundere long enough to get at the sweet girl inside.
But it's not like I want you to join! Baka!
A direct response to the lolicon clubs, this group is for people who's favorite heroine type is the "childhood friend" - see poll: http://erogegames.com/eroge-visual-novels/eroge-general-talk/298-whats-your-favorite-type-heroine-eroge-8/#post3247