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Everything posted by Nobu

  1. List of vocaloids, i actually cut down a few girls to make it sig size...ish gimme a sec: http://sadpanda.us/images/1127101-NKIW4RC.jpg yes, it took more than a sec, who cares
  2. Nobu


    Still has to wait tho, like the no wipe idea tho
  3. Nobu


    I'd say it probably worth checking out, but if u do like it, u'll end up having to wait for its official release.
  4. Nobu

    I don't think i've welcomed u but whocares about welcoming u, anyways, Best name and avatar :)

  5. ^6/10 I see ArmA 2, that was 5 points. I see a yellow face, that was 2 points. I took away 1 point after adding it up because i felt like it
  6. Nobu


    Been there , didn't play that (no key ), still went back to LoL anyways.
  7. Oh hell no, i deserve a 10. V 0/10, didn't reply fast enuff.
  8. Because we're terrorists and we use bombs.
  9. Nono, it's a matter of killing the person that is about to catch u, which is why the motion sensor also activates a c4 to explode, and did I mention this motion sensor was actually made by Confucius? So yes, it's strong enuff to do all that.
  10. The yandere kind, anyways, if u have a sister like chinami, make sure to kill her before things get out of hand.
  11. Welcome yo First post is ur intro, thats how it's suppose 2 be, unlike the others. Im chinese Actually, IM CONFUCIUS.
  12. IS THAT WHY U PRETENDED TO BE WEAK WHEN I SAW U IN THE ALLEY? u made me bring u home...and...*cries* NOW ILL NVR GET MARRIED.
  13. View Profile: Saya - Download english hentai games This one? U BETTER NOT HAVE BEEN SECRETLY VOTING TWICE FOR AISHA
  14. wait, which one is the troll, i can't be stalking a guy
  15. Yeah, but the only source of light is from ur computer screen which would ultimately attract even more attention to the screen. Heres the plan, use that spy kit u bought as a kid from the school fair (guiltyyyyy) and use that motion sensor, put it in the hallway, and tweak it so that instead of making a sound when someone passes by it, it activates a STRONG vibrator that is on ur penis, which would lead to a quick ejaculation, which then leads to u already being done with ur business, thus, there is nothing to be caught doing, ur just watching the facts of life.
  16. Someone said TOO FAMOUS? U called? Must be fking nice to have friends that introduce vn's to u guise . JELLY HOAR, NO WELCOME 4 U. Alright, whats with the blood types, speaking of chinese tits, late welcome. We can continue the rapeplay anytime. Majikoi, good choice friend...good freaking choice, now u won't get raped. We can be no social life buddies..no no, i lied, we can't be friends. Lol wtf happened to that anyways. She taught me what docking was, was great for making conversation when i went to lunch with......ex...now...because of...that...conversat
  17. Oh shitz Maji-s is being trans'd!? i didn't even know, anyways...anyone know when the Tomoyo full trans is done? i heard it was delayed...
  18. Exactly, headphones are death sentences if someone decides to sneak up on u...and take of video of u fapping off 5 times in a row....and post it on youtube....and show everyone......(life hurts...*cry) this is what happened to cause the typing to stop: 1.) Didn't want to reveal the truth.... or 2.)BITCH JUST EJACULATED. (most likely)
  19. Nobu

    :o i like that new siggy, although, im a hardcore Ami fan so it breaks my heart everytime i look at it.
  20. i cried more in the afterstory than the first part, even if i hated nagisa...although her parents were probably the best characters ever
  21. The rape was just.!

  22. Its a sad day for me...let's all join hands...u know what fuck it, u were the ones that voted for aisha, FK JOINING HANDS WITH YO ASSES.
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