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Everything posted by Nobu

  1. ^ 3/10, 1 point for every vn that is nobu-approved, MGQ2, Kamidori and DD , and then -1 point for Hoshizora, 2/10. So...what happens when someone who went before posts again? SHHHH
  2. Really whats the point of censoring? Take a look down and u already got half the picture, just use a little imagination and u can paint the rest of it in ur mind, so why have it at all? Yeah, if a really young kid sees something that is censored, u might be able to save him/her from seeing something u dont want them to but com'on, right now i see 5 year olds talking about getting it on, (lol not really, exaggerated but im sure u understand that thats where society is heading.) Honestly, censored things only make me want to imagine whats underneath it more, making my mind wander to the unspeak
  3. Beelzebub, did i mention this before? Its really directed to the ending, that's all. (Granted, the manga pretty much didn't do that much better, i havent read it recently so i wouldn't know that much.) 0-7 Ghost, this is one of those situations where i liked the anime, but it pretty much mind fucked me by ending it in the middle of nowhere just to get popularity for the manga...wtf? Myself; Yourself, idk if anyone has watched this before, but seriously i felt completely nothing from watching this, idk what it was...the plot was quite sad, but it didnt appeal to me, heck im surprised i fi
  4. Sorry, for these types of animes, i dont even spare them my time, the animes that have a duo fan base of : "Oh it's genius!" and "Oh! it's geni-WTF IS THIS SHIT?" are usually (actually always) completely crap for me.
  5. Sorry, im a sucker for animes that use mythologys and things such as tarot cards for powers/plots, only problem is when u dont understand the references. However; the characters do suck IMO, cliche, we all know these types of characters. Art? The blue haired katana guy looks slightly worst than the others O_O is it just me? Animation? Lol did these mafia guys really just knock the swords out of those people's hands? Right, ill look foward to the Arcana Duel thing where they fight using teddy bears and have tea party contests, but on a serious note, from what i heard about the manga o
  6. Damn u guys have the same taste in music as me : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr4IxMgHdDY&feature=related ...oh...was it just me?O_O
  7. Ren is gonna win, i can feel it in my ... nvm no jokes here anyways ill nominate anyways...i was so mentally torn out from having to nominate but okay:(nvm, its to mentally tormenting.)
  8. ^Is trying to tell me that hes tired from the harvest work?O_O
  9. VN got...RABIES from sniffing too many squirrels
  10. I eat hoars for breakfast cause chicken doesnt satisfy my morning boner.
  11. IS THAT HOW U RATE ME ULTI? OH HELL NO. V 10/10, replied to a Nobu.
  12. Hes got whale balls attached on. Dam OMA we aren't talking about whale sperm here ...wait are whale sperm even work anything? w/e man, they cum gallons. ...(mmmm them whale sperm...drools)
  13. Nobu


    I feel like alot of good mangas end up this way, its like the mangaka pulls everything out of their brain to make it appealing and then they realize that they pulled out to much and theres nothing left for their creativity.
  14. ^9/10 Mad obsession...actually 10/10, i want Kurisu in my bed as well.
  15. Welcome beal , so... how do u feel about giving head?O_O DDrops is gonna blow ur socks off. IDC about the others , so, how many inches soft?
  16. The s in ur signature isnt bolded, B*TCH TITS!

  17. Nobu


    This should be about the manga, but Code:Breaker ost, Code:Breaker anime music, Code:Breaker op and ed | Animeost.info - Download latest Anime OST, Drama OST and Anime Game OST ! trailer for the anime is out, although its not available in the US but maybe for those of u guys in EU can watch it O_O, anyways, the manga itself is pretty much sexiness in the form of a manga. I believe C:B is liscenced but we all know there are places to see it besides mfox, just google that shizz
  18. Nobu


    Female oreki? Well that came out of the blue. (for the anime)
  19. Masao nice sig Anyways, LONG LIVE RAIN, WOOOOH. Dont you just love the image of a thunderstorm outside and ur by the fireplace sipping a cup of hot cocoa, rocking back and forth in ur predated rocking chair? WADDUPFAQ Nobu is a romanticist? MHMMM
  20. Yeah i shared the last part of Rising X w/ Phant, hilarious
  21. What the b**ch tits is window 8, damn i nvr heard of this :'( right after i get a window 7 QQ
  22. Nobu


    Episode 10, nuff said...THAT BEING SAID...whats "EBA?" i see it @ the end of ep 9 and 10 O_O :"Why didnt she as for EBA?" or something like that.
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