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Everything posted by Nobu

  1. Why did nobody call on me? Need help solving a dispute? Get nobu to come and troll.
  2. I'm just worried that having watched the anime might ruin it for me
  3. Well I'm not doing it on them, im just doing it to them
  4. Dot dot dot... UNDETERMINED!?!?!?! Okay.
  5. Ur not philosophical enuff to understand the meaning of nobu
  6. Xxxxxxxxxxxx OH GOD NO! U ASKED THE QUESTION!!!!!!
  7. Dam I thought I could trick sad
  8. oooh this is hard, but ofc i would have to go with deardrops, only cause its my current fav.
  9. Who ever said this is really cool
  10. Yeah but ur first thoughts are based on what u first read.
  11. I am? That's a trade secret
  12. So u were a zombie and then became something else and the a zombie again?
  13. Kuu shall be the only loli the loli HC will not kill , what a nice little girl...makes me want to be a pedo
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