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Everything posted by Nobu

  1. TWOGK would be awesome, especially trying to do what the guy is doing right now in the manga
  2. Spring Animes: http://static.neregate.com/2012/01/neregate.com-Spring-2012-Anime-v2.png That train is the most scariest thing ever.
  3. I'm a newb, i like to go for 1 girl i like and just repeatedly rap- i mean "talk" 2 her.
  4. Welcome , and...CAT BATTLE!?ITS WAY MORE THAN THAT!
  5. Dont make me start pic trolling you dont want it!

    http://i708.photobucket.com/albums/ww85/icantthinkofaname/happy-birthday-mom-sign.gif...i think i put the wrong image


    http://i708.photobucket.com/albums/ww85/icantthinkofaname/happy-birthday-mom-sign.gif...i think i put the wrong image

  8. first of all that 3D one that was mentioned in a thread that i tried finding but couldnt . I like the different style but 3D just isnt so anime-ish, for me atleast. then you probably wouldn't like koihime since after each battle you almost have to have like 3 sex routines. lol.
  9. Diablo 3 sounds exciting, i remember when D1 was first out, good times.
  10. Com'on now, EVERY SCHOOL EROGE HAS A BEN-TO, im just 2 lazy 2 find them
  11. I'd redirect you to the other New ppl to forum thread but that one is filled with spam atm courtesy 2 *cough cough* someone. BTW, welcome 4 u2 liked the vid 2
  12. TROLOLOL@ rainbow...wtf is that avenger...w/e i'll soon get a new laptop start gaming w/ u ppl > by the end of the month...
  13. you cant do that! thats illegal. (I thought this was a "welcome" type of thread, but see what happens when u refuse submission?)
  14. You don't to mess with this, *pulls out a cart full of them*
  15. Do you want to battle avenger!? Ill throw nekomimis @ you!
  16. i think alot of us here feel the need to enslave, er i mean hire a someone as a maid =/ you'll find out soon enuff.
  17. i dont like the way you treat me! GO MAID, SLASH HIM WITH A CAT, I HEARD HES ALLERGIC 2 THEM.
  18. Oh why didnt you say so? Just put this maid outfit on. and this...collar....
  19. I got kidnapped and then transformed into the sexiest goblin?! Kewl!
  20. I like the idea of putting new ppl in chains better =/, ​right, now.
  21. I think i need to talk to Ivan about new members slaving for a bit >
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