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Everything posted by Decay
There has been some Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm progress, the common, Asuka, and Misaki routes are now translated and edited. That's over half of the game! I think.
Yuzusoft hype. Noble Works will actually release in two or three months, and Tenshin Ranman was picked up. It's a Christmas Miracle.
It is, at the very least, translated by a native english speaker capable of writing at least somewhat eloquently. However, it contains no stylistic consistency with the TLWiki translations so the way Makina talks will be completely different, for example. The accuracy is also of dubious quality. Not Moenovel-bad, just average-fantl-bad, whereas what we can expect from the TLWiki crew is pretty far above average. This fandisc came very highly requested, and for a good reason. It has new routes, there are several cute and charismatic heroines in the original that have major story arcs su
Over the last several months, LWR, Welcome Back Kana, Hanachirasu, and Starless all had specific release days that JAST missed.
Yep, and they also released it a very brisk two years after its announcement. There's hope yet for Seinarukana.
Just another Sunday for JAST.
Moogy seems to dislike it and he was the editor on it. He's the one who seems to be pushing the most for retranslation.
Regarding G-Senjou no Maou, Sekai Project wants to do other Akabei Soft stuff but Akabei Soft really wants to put G-Senjou no Maou and Sharin no Kuni out there first. My guess is that 1) these are the "classics" that they hope to build up a brand reputation in the west with and 2) they are lower-cost investments since fan translations already exist, so it's a safer way to test new waters. The problem comes from how they might end up retranslating much of Sharin no Kuni anyways so this won't be as quick and cheap as Akabei Soft might want. Still, G-Senjou is coming out in just a month or two, r
It isn't amazing progress and it doesn't indicate when the translation may or may not be finished, but it also indicates that it's not yet abandoned either. There are still people at doki looking at it every once in a while. The new sprites are kind of shitty in general. With the Higurashi ones, I could go either way with them vs the console art. With these, though, they look way worse than the Umineko alchemist sprites. Like it's not even close to the same level of quality.
What is this doing here? It was announced two years ago.
That spreadsheet hasn't been updated in months, dude. Anyways, there has been a good amount of news over the last couple days and there will be more to come tomorrow. JAST announced Flowers for Fall 2015 and SoniComi for late 2015, claims Seinarukana will release September, Sumaga is also still slated for this year. Aksys announced Zero Escape 3, it will be released Summer 2016. There has been a leak in the form a mistakenly uploaded OP for Root Double that has since been taken down, Sekai Project and Lemnisca are partnering to translate Root Double. And the SonoHana devs advertised that t
Meikyuu and Rakuen will both be translated by Sekai Project, headed by the translator of Kajitsu. The Meikyuu translation has already begun.
Sometimes (Clannad is using a new translation, Grisaia isn't), and yes, when they use the fan translations they pay the original translator. Oh yeah, I forgot that I came here to announce that Magical Marriage Lunatics is dead. RIP. Magical Marriage Lunatics! Official TL Thread - Page 4 - Project Archive - Fuwanovel Forums
Gaokao is much, much cheaper than Grisaia. That's the main reason why it has sold better. NekoPara has been on sale for several months before Grisaia and has had multiple major discounts. I think with such shaky, incomplete information, it's much too soon to call Grisaia a bomb. But it's true, trying to sell a VN more expensive than $10 on Steam is probably going to be an uphill battle.
I haven't played it, but isn't The Day After a story continuation of Unlimited, and not Alternative? It's an interesting first choice for Degica, who haven't localized a VN before (they're the official western publisher for RPG Maker). But it might be a good way to get started and gain some early popularity with less risky property IF they use Amaterasu's fan translation. Herkz is making it sound like that's a sure thing, but he doesn't really know for sure either. Remember, people kickstarted Clannad and it brought in a boatload of money in the process, so don't discount a game just b
That's basically just a fancy way of saying there are two routes, a route where you establish a more traditional romance with the heroine, and a route where you make her your sex slave.
On top of what White Tragedy said, Grisaia no Kajitsu was less than two years ago and is totally a must play. Stuff I could go either way on being called "must play": Yumina the Ethereal, Cannonball, Air (the GaoGao translation). Stuff that is perhaps a bit below the cut but still worth checking out: Princess Evangile, Cho Dengeki Stryker, Shinikiss. edit: Oh, you have a yumina avatar. Still, that was less than two years ago so don't complain.
What's your source on this? As far as I can tell, the project is pretty much dead. There hasn't been a progress update in 8 months, the short prologue isn't done yet. They're not dead. They're focusing on QC right now and I guess some people have gotten pretty busy. This is what they said two months ago: "We are currently focusing on the QC side of things which will only be updated once each of our QCs have had their respective passes and the route has begun it’s final pass to implement the fixes suggested during QC. " So there's going to be some degree of invisible progress.
Lol, I'm not sure what Moogy has to do with it. He's not actually the translator on Subahibi, vvav is. Anyways, Herkz has been the editor on Subahibi all along, and he's over 96% done on that and made some huge single-day gains in late april and early may, so... Mahoyo is a whole other issue. Herkz isn't touching the actual script, he's only managing the project I guess. Apparently the translation is a hot mess. Maybe not the accuracy, but the level of writing. Every editor who joins that project wrestles with the script trying to get it into a decently acceptable level of writing quality,
Herkz is saying a one month turnaround time from when they finish editing.
Erm, maybe you misread something? Every project has their fast weeks and their slow weeks, but this week was kind of on the slow side for Majikoi S. In other news, the Subahibi translation is now 100% complete. There is only a little bit of editing work left to do. I suspect we'll see a finished patch very soon.
Kud Wafter is back. Also I would put money on a very nice Koichoco surprise happening today (sunday). Maybe I'm setting myself up for disappointment, but my intuition is telling me otherwise. I'm often wrong about these things. Don't listen to me. edit: Oops, I was halfway wrong. Not quite what I expected, but nice to get an update nonetheless.
The alternative for these guys was to do a Kickstarter on their own, but Sekai Project decided to support them by using their name to boost support. They could have handed over a ton of money but I don't see why they should be obligated to do that. Also, you act as if them making more than their goal would be a bad thing. Overfunding on kickstarter means they get to make an even better game, while getting a lump sum from SP would mean they're locked into that budget.
I'm pretty sure almost all of the money earned from that kickstarter is going to the devs and not Sekai Project. SP is using their name to support the devs. edit: Oh and to desi, it's probably safe to take off Gensou no Idea now, there hasn't been any updates since their announcement eight months ago and their site was taken down.
It's not game-changing and there isn't much difference. "Same setting" is generally the weakest link between games available on VNDB. If there was some event directly involving a character from the majikoi games, it would have the "Shares characters" relation.