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Everything posted by Daeverius

  1. Yay GW2 Release Date got announced few hours ago its 28.08.12 people! Also last beta is on 22.07.12 Hell Yeah!
  2. Im in middle of DLin dlc now , lets hope they did an ending fitting for this great series.
  3. Is someone Necroing threads or is it just me ...
  4. Seeing how people are having trouble i will try to clarify some things(after i finish whole game i will try to put a walktrough). From what i can see this VN works like Fate/Stay Night. In other words in order to get second route you need to finish first one. Edit. Ok so heres full walktrough, i did it basing on those machine translations and me passing the game. I didnt check it but its possible that you have to go through those routes in this order. Zero Saga(Haruno route) We might have met somewhere Haruna's lunch Higher Floor Once you finish this route instead of New Game
  5. Dont worry Ultimecea, Ivan will get us some links for it when the time is right
  6. Already 2 BWEs passed.Ive been playing both of them, how about you people.What are your thoughts about game, which class did you enjoy the most. In my case i also checked TERA (free trial!) which i heard has great battle system, and ive got to say that GW2 beats it in my opinion. Looks like it really may be the game that may shake WoW throne(it might not destroy him but who really cares, GW 2 is awesome even in beta).
  7. Yeah, this kind of VN is for certain people and i certainly didnt enjoy it, so yup i dropped it.

  8. Majikoi moves all the time but very slowly, translator is busy with real life and he doesnt post updates (and if he will post it will be arond 5-10% only). F/HA moving at a slow rate? Are you fuckin kidding me ? I guess you never saw how F/HA was translated before , whole year standing practically at 60% moving something like 0,1%a month or even less. Right now their speed is superb for me. And dont you dare to say to drop Seinarukana, its true that JAST is slow as fuck with translating it but i want it someday and like hell i will allow it to be dropped.
  9. You obivously didnt play Cross Channel.
  10. I agree with you on that spy thing,and i would like to end this discussion aswell but theres one more thing i have to say, everytime people buy game on steam some % of that goes to producers,etc so why should that be a reason for them to not create more games ? Also about all that cd thing, i do always preffer to have a hard copy of the game just for the feeling but if i would have to choose between having hard copy and no digital and digital and no hard copy i would take digital one , why ? It was said before why i preffer digital so lets leave it at this, also i bought D3 hard copy just fo
  11. Besides downloading game you dont need to have internet to play game on steam, yes you can use mods and modifications to exe,steam might have been made to stop piracy at start but now its function is more to having a digital copy of the game so you dont have to worry about cds, dunno about it making people stop buying game, actually it made me BUY some games i wouldnt buy otherwise. Im not some kind of fan for steam and i know its buggy and all that ,im not trying to protect it because i think its awesome, but i really have no idea why you dont like steam, for me its just one of things in the
  12. If you want to play with me in D3 then pm me your battletag, also im on europe server.
  13. I have ps3 but after Diablo and GW2 i dont have cash for game .
  14. Told you people that DBZ is more known than something like SkullGirls
  15. Heh, same here . Most of the games on very high besides shadows(my card just hates shadows), only newest games that came out not so long ago (BF3 Witcher 2 etc) work on medium-low. After buying D3 and GW2 now i will start gathering cash for new VC. Either way from what i see , D3 should work on your PC without problems.
  16. According to it you need at least Radeon HD 4870 , i say its bullshit. Im playing right now on Radeon HD 3870, i do have some fps drops from time to time when like 40-50 enemies comes at me at once , but its more like games getting slower than a simply freeze so its alright if you ask me, and i play on high settings besides shadow.
  17. Im usually not the type for replay too, but hopefully with friends like Cael and you we should have fun even with replaying
  18. Nobu, dont worry about length of the game, point of whole HnS games is to REplay everything many times in order to get stuff you want, i for one am actually glad that D3 takes only this much time. First time i died was in Act 2 in certain place, i simply entered idiotically big wave of mobs when i had most of my things on cd. If its about being close to dying or dying , wait for act 3 and 4 (dont expect anything from bosses though on normal).
  19. I just finished my first playthrough on Normal Difficulty as Monk, so heres what i can say about the game. It is shorter than Diablo 2, there are people that already made a speedrun of 4 hours for normal diff. It took me 20 hours(19:34 hours on my monk character), why this much ? Because i wasnt rushing ANYTHING i played in normal pace, checked most of the areas for lore , items and anything, played together with Caelistas. Thats it about time of the game. Difficulty, comparing it again to Diablo 2 normal is very easy, its not easy that you WONT die whole game but i died less than 10 hell
  20. I live in Poland, im into fantasy and supernatural. Did i try Witcher 2 ? I bought it the day it came out.
  21. Well i was thinking about making contest who can grief more Nobu. I dont think it would be bad if you joined though (if you dont DDoS the server or something lol). As for someone making server , i can make one over Tungle or Hamachi network. Problem is , that i dont know how many people my internet can support (my pc is more or less ON all the time so no problem there).
  22. Im impatiently waiting for D3. LoL isnt so fun as it was for me before(and got kinda boring after 2 years ) . Honestly at the moment im trying to play ANYTHING that will make me forget about D3 at least for some time . I just have to buy myself time for 4 days and 51 minutes left .... ARGH.
  23. I know what you mean guys. I had it just like you till i started playing with my friend ( i have original version but he played on pirated and it worked well so no problems there). If you plat solo game gets a little borin really fast but if you play with friends and want to have fun with them, then believe me this game has some serious potential. When i played with friend i spend whole night to build secret underground .... something with secret doors and all that shit. You shoulda seen his face when he couldnt find me till he looked below(wasnt deep enough for nick to dissapear ;-/).
  24. While thinking about what to do while waiting for D3 i suddenly got a thought in my head. What about making a Minecraft server(survival or creative, id preffer survival for us all) and make one great eroge city. Build whatever just have fun with as many people as possible. What are your thoughts about this idea. How many people would like to do this! We can add some nice mods to have more fun too. Hell we can do some kind of Magic War server(i still would preffer building a city or something though[Classes with exp mod for mining etc!!]).
  25. After someone necroed this thread i finnaly noticed this game, im about to start playing. Any suggestion on which server i should join to play with you guys? Im downloading Dragon Nest Sea version.
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