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Everything posted by Daeverius

  1. Thanks, I love those portraits from Umineko

  2. 松山 Matsuyama (pine tree mountain) 康貴 Yasutaka (precious peace) So yeah,i do like peace but im not sure if i am as big as mountain...
  3. Thx, it wasnt looking bad on my resolution, i take it!
  5. Heh, i remember that i watched Fate/Stay Night anime once, then some time later(maybe years) on a doujinshi site they posted eroge F/SN at that time i thought that this kind of thing is only for ero and has barely any story or anything, i liked characters in anime so i decided to try it out, i forgot my reason after like 30mins of reading it, couldnt stop(reading) at all.
  6. Heh, i played ME for story too, but i downloaded demo and decided to try that multi to see if it is worth any thought and i must say im very impressed, it was so much better than what I expected. If u download demo of ME3 just try it , u might get hooked to it like me.
  7. Favorite eroge... to be honest the more eroges im reading the harder it is for me to point out one, if its overall then i think i will go with Fate/Stay Night and Tsukihime, they simply hit all of my tastes and were the first one i read so it was completely magical moments for me, i also like Monster Girl Quest, story is nice,humor is nice , and it friggin created new fetish for me.As for eroge im rereading the most that would be ... Koihime Musou, it doesnt have best story buuut it has really nice humor + they made h-scenes exactly how i like them(as in writing not exactly cg) with nice numbe
  8. I stoped watching anime after i started reading manga but from that time when i still watched i can say that the best anime for me was Fullmetal Alchemist. And maybe from time when i was a total kid and there was this Dragon Ball in French, hell i still love it.
  9. According to VNDB they aim to release patch on 20.03 , gonna add this to calendar.
  10. Yawn,G'morning everyone, Olaf besides editing there will be also beta testing so dont expect patch before 24, atm i play mostly LoL or ME3 multiplayer demo(its awesome!), i read most of the english vns right now i stoped at 7th or 6th chapter of umineko, it simply stoped being interesting(compared to first 4 chapters). And yeah im waiting for Monster Girl 2 but full patch, Wanko route- i will read it but shes character i wanted the least in majkoi, and i think that winter break is about the same time here in university(dont remember right, got kicked out of it ;p).
  11. Yeah, unfortunately big minus of the SpoilerAl is that its in japanese. But on the other hand if u know japanese at least a little and/or use translator u can quite easily hack whatever you want in this kind of games.
  12. If im right, Cheat Engine is that thing where u first write value of something and then try to find it right? Advantage of SpoilerAL is that u dont really have to search for anything(if you know japanese). I remember i tried to hack A.D. Wars with the method i mentioned and it was for me much harder than using that SpoilerAL
  13. Thanks for pointing that out, changed it now. EDIT Ok i take that back, i changed name of the post but not the name of the thread, dunno how to.
  14. I was looking for something that would help me painlessly beat daibanchou and found only this on google, figured i would tell others how to do it seeing as this is not easy.
  15. If you ever thought about something like this you most probably played Daibanchou or Rance. To be honest i have no idea if there is trainer for this or that game but i can help you cheat the game with this walkthrough. First we need a program that can edit memory tables inside of the game. Download program called SpoilerAL u can download it here Next thing on the list to do is download game tables for the program, u can get them here. !WARNING!THIS IS NOT MY LINK I WOULD BE GLAD IF SOMEONE REUPLOADED IT AND POSTED LINK SO I COULD UPDATE IT. Extract this SSG.7z into ssg folder ins
  16. Some Eroges install and work normally(those which had official translation) , there are 2 ways to make rest of them work properly. 1st one doesnt work with every japanese eroge but as far as i know it works with every eroge that was translated into english. Also its much easier than 2nd so i will start with it. 1.You need to go to control panel->Clock,Language,Region->Install Japanese language 2.Download Applocale(google it) or pApploc and install it. 3.Create a new .txt file 4.Edit it and write inside: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shell\Jap
  17. Im not sure how it will be with my patience, everyone has limits ;D as for time i will be on pc most of the time for the next few months. I play LoL , im used to explaining things to people while they yell at everyone.
  18. Like i said i have lots of free time so if there is a need for additional moderator i can help(or at least try to, never moderated before but i hope that wont be much of a trouble).
  19. He can always post it on gamefaq
  20. There are many deffinitions of hardcore, i mean there are people here that would be more disgusted by seeing real womans body rather than tentacle rape with gore.
  21. Thats really good idea, with this everyone should get what they want more or less.
  22. I agree with warrof , some people will just spam how the x is better than y and it might get out of hand pretty easily, some basic rules are needed.
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