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Status Updates posted by radiantmadness

  1. happy Birthday! And I didn't even see until now you had a Kara no Shoujo profile picture too! o// good man :D

  2. probably have heared this already, but jizz in my pants :D

  3. Ammy! long live you! :D

  4. whahaha, I don't like her either but: Go Nagisa go! :D

  5. don't know you, but happy birthday nonetheless;)

  6. please edit your post in the KNS discussion treat and add spoiler tags....

  7. would have quit watching it already if I were, as long as it's not as bad as Boku no Pico it will be okay;)

  8. I have heard some 'fearsome' things about this anime.... but so far so good... very good to be precise!

  9. battler, I just watched the first episode of Shinsekai Yori, well it was a instant win for me when one of my favorite music pieces

    (the part from 0:48) started playing in the very beginning;) Anyway thank you for showing me it, will watch more soon, truly unique anime so far!
  10. Don't really know you, but happy birthday ;) must be epic on doomsday, haha xD

  11. saw you talking about ROTK 11 in the sb, just wanted to say I'm a fan of that game too! long live Liu Bei;)

  12. my day couldn't go bad after this, thanks to you and killer:) seriously much appreciated!

  13. something like this?


  14. haha, I saw it too. anyway happy birthday Hunter!

  15. Thank you, I will call on you when the time is right:)

  16. No problem, it's rather well... perverted I guess, but I had a good laugh while watching it.

  17. I was wondering where your sig came from lol, well I report my throughts when I finish it but that will most likely next year because of MLA and Higurashi (and maybe a tweak patch of Chiru)

  18. I didn't even know Higanbana! Guess I'll play that after MLA:) It's seems like a dark VN and that's exactly what I like, 'insane shion laughter'.

  19. yeah:) My '07th expansion status' is: I watched the Higurashi anime and read the manga completly (this got me introduced to 07thexpansion) and in the VN I'm at tsumiboroshi-hen (the watergun scene).

    Umineko: the first 4 episodes finished and currently waiting for the ps3 umitweak patch to be released for Chiru. I don't mind the artwork but I got used to hearing the (absolutly splendid) voices in the first 4 episodes.... ZEN ZEN DAMEDDA ZEN!!!

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