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Everything posted by kn1000a

  1. Also dumb question but do you guys skip any VA? Sometimes I read too fast and just move to the next line without listening to the whole voice acting... kinda feel bad really




    (and explain this bs tag)

  2. http://i.imgur.com/86JUNry.jpg http://i.imgur.com/AKTc7lt.jpg
  3. Holy sht you guys are like a month (in-game) into the game...


    I just started an hour ago and in that hour I only finished 2.5 days...


    How fast do you guys even read :0



  4. Anyone got a different English patch for this game? The one provided apparently can't run on my system, and I redownloaded it just to make sure but still get the same error http://i.imgur.com/6WCp6Vy.jpg Using Windows 10 64-bit with Japanese locale on. Thanks in advance!
  5. Well if you noticed it that must means


    you have trashy eyes


    btw y-yuri.... uh.... yeah.... totally not my thing I swear



    (^some of the best black-hair girls based on the MAL community)

  6. It seems like the resolution for your bg is a lot bigger compare to what I would say the normal monitor resolution... That's why mine is cut off....


    There is a K-On reference in Teekyuu because this anime is so fast-paced they can put literally any trash anime references in it and no one will notice~



  7. Sorry, I am a real critic who won't be swayed by moe or nekos (I would be a baka if I do so)


    Honestly though I graded stuff on many aspects, plot is also an important thing that Teekyuu missed out since it's a short and fast anime...


    I have considered giving score based off the type of show it is, but at the end I decided on equality


    Teekyuu is indeed enjoyable though!



    (btw what's up with the format of your MAL? It's really weird, and it's not my PC, I tried elsewhere before...)

  8. Yay! A real big name out in YouTube play the series! And now I also have one more Youtuber to follow, thank you for the news : D


    I-I still hate the nekos! It is just a coincidence, there's no way I can have the evils in my mind...


    If more than anything this is still cuter



  9. It's broken? I can still even see it now though


    I re-edited and put the reformatted one on that HB post, should work now


    And no problem! But I don't think I ever said I accept the nekos yet, I just called you a baka~

  10. Welp I came back to the SB right on the day of Rah's birthday? Coincidence?


    I consider posting ur least favorite grill but then again, it's your birthday.


    So have a happy birthday you baka neko~



  11. Happy birthday Yachi!

    (and good luck with Ranked games next season~)



  12. Oh right, just remembered that you posted the whole album of the game's music on SoundCloud and I even noted myself to get the game when it's out, but it has been like a month out now wtf


    Also, that was a very strange (but good) nyan track lol


    Am I allow to share the game to others? Or on YouTube?



    (^ evidence that even K-on likes dogs over nekos)

  13. Thank you based neko for the kawaii game~


    Also did you perhaps made some of the BGs in the game? Or is it just an interesting game you found somewhere?

    Since you usually don't recommend stuff without nekos attached :D



  14. Nah, I bookmarked where Mugi-chan is, so next time I can revert back to her again : D


    For now I'm into the horror RPG-maker-kind-of games.... (it's like a new hobby beside anime and games...)

    Too scare to play by myself, but I watch people do on YouTube at 3am to make it fun. ugh.


    Give me suggestions. If you have any that is.

    And yes I know of Stray Cat Crossing and Umineko



  15. Happy birthday desi~



  16. Happy birthday Pasa!

  17. Happy birthday!

    (Decided to go on today after some weeks offline and somehow just in time to write this xD)

  18. Well, I mean the VN is good but the anime is shit.


    And I might look like I love nekos on the outside but inside they're on the same level as School Day anime.





  19. 1 hour is fine by me, as long as there are nekos~


    Btw pls stop recommeding K-On. It belongs in the same place where SAO and School Days are...



    (^that face you make when you see a trashy anime)



  20. Erin is getting much more interesting now that I am on episode... wait I don't remember since I haven't been watching it for like 3 months now...

    (I will finish it though lel)


    On a side note, you are less active at midnight now... What happened? Did your nekos run off with someone and now you're depressed and all?


    Btw new Nekopara Vol 0 will be out!


  21. Well I just noticed it is your birthday, so have a Happy Birthday! : D

    Keep the Kancolle hype going~



  22. We were talking about neko and I think you missed out

    Check your radar pls, its probably as broken as your neko dream~



  23. Same, I also read the LNs :D (is there any more volumes left though? feel like there's more...)


    Haven't finish those 50 chapters, but I think it covers from the snowy mountain syndrome arc to the part where they start to meet Kyon's old middle school friend and the other factions' members

  24. Oh so you read the manga already

    Well, I'm really glad I can see this version of Nagato again, reminds me so much of the old series and the old hype...


    (Btw I think people are reminded of the glorious Haruhi series again --> on KissAnime they just released 50 missing chapters of the original Haruhi manga that were supposed to be uploaded like 5 years ago)

  25. Yaaayyyy Yuki is back!!

    (From ep 10, sorry if this spoiler...)


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