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Everything posted by kn1000a

  1. Made by yours truly




    (Also I just realized that I downloaded 3 more VNs to my PC without thinking about how I might be getting a little addicted...)

  2. kn1000a


    So I was trying to install this game when I got this error http://i.imgur.com/HalTvbc.jpg Don't know how to solve this. Also it might be because some files are missing from the original download. And yes I did completely/fully download it. I have the PlanetarianRetail file, the KINECTICDATA folder from the voice patch, and a Crack folder with only a "planetarian" application, which gives me the above error message when ran. Because of this error I can't run the Japanese installer - it makes me abort it halfway. (I did put the KINETICDATA folder in the Planetarian path too and try runn
  3. モテすぎて修羅場なオレ - MoteOre - ??????????? Idk why just randomly found it on the net and thought it would be good as a second VN for me (I'm currently under heavy influences by Noble Works, someone send helps...) Got the game downloaded too, unfortunately no English patch... http://i.imgur.com/x5Y6f6Y.jpg
  4. lol nah I'm not like that Maybe during free time or after school... but even that is just maybe... Also I am at the last few parts where h-scenes won't likely to show up so I'm safe ~
  5. Genius or madness? http://i.imgur.com/rkUZtNd.jpg So I tried out this remote connection service that allow easy connection between devices (computer to phone/tablet, vice versa etc.). The good thing is the connection is pretty stable and the sounds 80% in sync, so this is actually usable... (I know it sounds dumb that I'm playing like this, but then again I'm outside of my house more than I would want to. So if the situation arises...) ~
  6. Well since you represent the neko country, here is a pic to celebrate your holiday:



    (If you didn't know it's Neko Day today <3)


    And I also take it that you're playing the second volume of Nekopara?

  7. If I can pick one I will also go for Ayakashibito, but for now I won't vote because I think I will drop out of the next VN reading... Currently I'm on the very last few scenes in the current route of Noble Works, but as I mentioned before I wanna try out the other routes too So instead of barely finishing the game in time and then jump into the next one instantly, I will withdraw and enjoy more of Noble Works' other routes... ~
  8. Was playing Noble Works just now when I was an hour into the game and (because of this storm we're having) my whole neighborhood has a blackout... I ended up with unsaved data and this fancy-looking description I screenshoted
  9. Thank you Geass!



    '(just accept this pic in return)

  10. Thanks! ^-^



    (here's a picture of neko for your awesomeness)

  11. ty based neko



    (today's episode of musaigen is filled with nekos for some reason...)

  12. http://orig06.deviantart.net/18c6/f/2016/027/5/a/konosuba___bluff_by_kurisu_by_gifinterest-d9pjitb.gif
  13. Tbh after the first few days in-game the rest was not too time-consuming to play since days are shorter and all still hoping I finish in time for the Sena route http://i.imgur.com/aGc6t6e.jpg
  14. Have to go on some random site for this song, a full version one at that http://www.nhaccuatui.com/bai-hat/hoshi-furu-sora-aogi-mite-suara.Yu64yTS3RkKt.html This second ED from Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen is beautiful~
  15. I wasn't planning on doing any other routes, but I think I will do hers too since too kawaii http://i.imgur.com/WtTKHlK.jpg
  16. Is it bad that when I reached this scene, before I even know anything, I thought that there will be a sensei route 98% sure... And I was right checking the walkthrough... Can I assume that I have the godly VN sense now even though I'm a beginner? http://i.imgur.com/pqPydtn.jpg
  17. Also dumb question but do you guys skip any VA? Sometimes I read too fast and just move to the next line without listening to the whole voice acting... kinda feel bad really




    (and explain this bs tag)

  18. http://i.imgur.com/86JUNry.jpg http://i.imgur.com/AKTc7lt.jpg
  19. Holy sht you guys are like a month (in-game) into the game...


    I just started an hour ago and in that hour I only finished 2.5 days...


    How fast do you guys even read :0



  20. Anyone got a different English patch for this game? The one provided apparently can't run on my system, and I redownloaded it just to make sure but still get the same error http://i.imgur.com/6WCp6Vy.jpg Using Windows 10 64-bit with Japanese locale on. Thanks in advance!
  21. Well if you noticed it that must means


    you have trashy eyes


    btw y-yuri.... uh.... yeah.... totally not my thing I swear



    (^some of the best black-hair girls based on the MAL community)

  22. It seems like the resolution for your bg is a lot bigger compare to what I would say the normal monitor resolution... That's why mine is cut off....


    There is a K-On reference in Teekyuu because this anime is so fast-paced they can put literally any trash anime references in it and no one will notice~



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