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Everything posted by ultimecea

  1. ultimecea

    Fate/Hollow Ataraxia

    like i said mount both disc.. extracting them wont work >.>
  2. well.... desi got his patch way earlier than anyone here >>
  3. who say we cant comment bout lolicons >.> its just tha Eudiwood aint a loli... but fuck....
  4. strangely..she dont look loli to me either... she's just those pettanko's hime >.>
  5. and i link that VN past 38hours ago~~~ its not that there;s no translations... but its more or less the translator translate great and proper title first... and it takes AT LEAST years to translate a VN with minimal of 30hours~~
  6. ultimecea

    Dengeki Stryker

    >.> dont you know there's more to that VN??
  7. so get your ass ready and start on Clannad and while waiting for Tomoyo After or...MuvLuv~~
  8. dude..i saw 1 torrent here NyaaTorrents >> Torrent Information >> [090925] ?????? ????CD+??????????????? | Anime, manga, and music - Just say the word although i cant be sure it still 2 seeds so far... but if you want Direct links...you need thishttp://www.henarchive.net/?p=57906 you can ask them to re-upload it if its no longer available./..
  9. half-way >.> just finish working just now..and going to my night shift soon.. well..myb in 2-3 days~
  10. well..... i was free so i drop by to show you guys one of the prettiest girl you guys can find~ XD
  11. wat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG...... but..at least he'll do them... anyway..get your ass in SB now Ryu!!!
  12. the prologue are not translated... in matter of fact,,its not even patch release.. its just some direct translations done in notepad.. so dont get your hope high yet.. he still need to know what programs are used to crack the script and get a hacker...
  13. Baa-chan... thats because Clannad is the INthing now i guess~~ XD
  14. do you mean this link from main site??? hmm..it might due to the data corrupted in the data transfer between the old to new DA server... i'll report it to ivan..in the DA thread.. for the mean time download other parts... and if you found the same error... you should report here if you found more
  15. i agree its a cool VN.. but im not sure if any group will pick it up.. i mean its one of those heavy VN
  16. lolz....another guy that like that slutty nagisa??? >.> well TOMOYO/KYOU/KOTOMI definitely top 3 and Fuuko are in different class... but to rank that bitch higher than Tomoyo definitely a let down in opinion~ XD PS: i said so because I love TOMOYO and definitely hate Nagisa just because he rank Kotomi #1 next season????
  17. oh....but pogo seems to take some time before loading>.>
  18. im in as long you can find something to do.. and who the heck is that dude who dont understand rpg >.>
  19. hey max...care to pm me that (18禁ゲーム) [090918] [Tactics*Latte] だっこしてぎゅっ!~オレの嫁は抱き枕~(mds+iso rr3%) VN link again??

    something happened and it just close on its own...

  20. if you are talking bout Ever 17.... you could actually skim thru the thing as most of the time its the same... but...the reason to read route by route was... the hint and every little bit of explanation joins up into a clearer pic in the true route~~
  21. guys..like i said... it load slowly >.> took me 3minutes before it working fine now...
  22. guys..i'm like have tons of fetish.. but overly obsessed with one will lead you over.. so this is how pure lolicons turned pedo~~
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