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What is the last eroge you finished, and what do you think about it?

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I just fixed that tho its a little late lol I realized I forgot to close the tag right after I posted. I know I shoulda fixed it last night but firefox was being a pain in the ass and kept throwing "unresponsive script" warnings at me and it was late so I just went to bed. I apologies to anyone who visited the thread in the interim

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Finished Rewrite yesterday (with side stuff left to do), giving it an 8.5. Without going into too much detail - it would have been a solid 9, but the "shounen" stuff and some other (spoilerish) parts didn't "click" with me, guess it comes down to personal preference. Also, I agree with what Ixrec wrote in his review "The problem with Rewrite is that there just weren't many scenes or events which truly impressed me. And for every one that did, there was also a scene earlier in the game which dragged on too long or outright bored me.".

This VN should have been a bit shorter, maybe 10-15%. Some parts are very very detailed, but ultimately it's not needed to know so much non-plot related details, while other more relevant parts seem to have been cut out. Even with these "flaws", it's still a must-play VN and it will make actually make you think about what you've just read after finishing it, which is always nice.

Who ever tells you that the story doesn't make sense or it didn't wrap up just didn't read it carefully and just rushed through it, don't listen to them. Personally I think some people would receive Rewrite a bit better if it wasn't made under "Key" since many go into it with a wrong mindset, myself included (read below).


Advice to anyone planning to play this VN - don't think of it as a Key VN, I kinda fell into that trap. It's very different then any past games they've made. I think you'll enjoy it more without thinking something similar from Clannad or Kanon will happen in each route.

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Kanon. Nice! Really good. I was looking for something emotional in this, and it definitely delivered on that front several times. Shiori's, Mai's and Ayu's routes ended up being my favourites. It started out being fairly dull though - all the "common route" days, basically.


This was my first Key VN, and... I'm impressed. I got what I wanted out of this, so well done. Didn't expect anything amazing, no... and it didn't end up being amazing either. But it was very much worth the read, that's for sure.




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kanon. Nice! Really good. I was looking for something emotional in this, and it definitely delivered on that front several times. Shiori's, mai's and ayu's routes ended up being my favourites. It started out being fairly dull though - all the "common route" days, basically.


This was my first key vn, and... I'm impressed. I got what i wanted out of this, so well done. Didn't expect anything amazing, no... And it didn't end up being amazing either. But it was very much worth the read, that's for sure.







Also finished Rewrite enjoyed it much more than I thought I would 9/10. Good job Ryukishi.

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I just finished Rewrite and since I don't have a lot of time to comment in detail, I'll just throw this in a hurry and give it a strong 9.2. I think this is a VN that needs to be read by anyone and everyone who are into VNs at some point in their life. And re-read.


Kotori has such an cute VA. And Oppai ending is awesome (especially with the Yo-shi-no song)!



I agree with most of you that the appropriate mindset when reading this is not to think of it as a Key VN. Maybe I'm just a bit blind but IMO the flow is a bit like MLEx->MLU->MLA. We get the daily school life+emotional character routes(although MLE is weaker in this regard), then Moon picks it up with a new change in scenery and a problem with a wider scope and Terra wraps it up with all the realities and hardships in life, although not as magnificently as MLA (I have a few stuff I don't understand much, so I'll just post it in a more appropriate, spoiler-friendly thread later).



Oh and the Moon OP makes me want an anime (although I believe it will be very weak. The story format and progression seems difficult to adapt.)

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Oh and the Moon OP makes me want an anime (although I believe it will be very weak. The story format and progression seems difficult to adapt.)

Rewrite contains a lot of action elements which's always good for an anime adaption but like you already said, they will need some time to explain the whole story and if they want to show all routes then we're probably around 40-50 episodes. Although I'm pretty sure that there will be an anime of Rewrite but I actually don't care anyway.

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Finished period. Well..i liked quartett! better. A lot of scenes in period drags for too long..makes it a lot less enjoyable(for me). There are some good parts too, some interesting developments. The sex scenes..i just ignored them..this vn was better off without them (i'm not talking about the art, its that some routes have sex scenes at the wrong moment). I would have liked more on the other characters, especially the student council guy(both of them), yukina's father? well, whatever. I stopped listening to the music, its not bad but its overused. I'll give it a 6/10

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finished Never7.... that certainly wasn't the cliched/old style VN I had expected it to be after those scores! Nice 'KID vibe'! give it a 8/10 (0.2 postgame bonus for 'KID Timeline' and TIPS)

[spoiler=endgame spoilers] loved the Izumi Curé ending, the openess of it that is!''the cards fall from the table... they are blank''.... I'm a sucker for those things :D Too bad there wasn't another great route after that, else it had been a top-tier VN for me..... Izumi route creeped the hell out of me! the way the characters behaved :S but kinda nice in it's own way with the 'delusional info' you as player got, from her curé route ;) Of course, liked the connection to Tsugumi and ever17 too!


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Hmm, haven't finished one in awhile. Rewrites quickly becoming my second favorite product by Key though. I was expecting all the shounen shenanigans to annoy me far more then it actually does. Doesn't bother me at all, actually.


Last one that actually made it through the abyss that is my gigantic backlog was Hoshizora, though. Gotta be my favorite showcase of running-gag humor I've seen. Some routes are better then others though. Decent storytelling though and one or two memorable characters, so it gets a pass.

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finished Sekien no Inganock -What a Beautiful People-


well..what can i say? Music is definitely one of the strong points. Characters, i liked kia and ati a lot, ruaha too. The fantastical city of Inganock, i could well imagine its existence, i liked the description and the settings and such. I have my reservations with the ending and some parts. Overall, i think this is a very good vn, and it did keep my engaged reading for long, 8/10


what should i play next hmmm

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