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Everything posted by Caelistas

  1. in prison? but he is freed by angry otaku
  2. he gets arrested by the police and is branded as a lolicon
  3. Thanks sirhenry, that's exactly what i needed, looks high res enough for my monitor.
  4. doesn't work apparantly: 1 video per post only it seems
  5. Man, i've been waiting for this to get translated for years now.... if only i could read fluent japanese... sigh
  6. By the way for those wo don't know already, there's a new Zero No Tsukaima released, currently aired till epi 6. Zero No Tsukaima F
  7. Preliminary scores: Caelistas: 6 Avenger: 16 OoO Harkoz: 6
  8. Yes ANY eroge/visual novel.
  9. Never been caught aswell, when i was "underage" (-18) and playing visual novels or watching porn my mom was more then aware what i was doing behind the pc, so she never bothered me in order to AVOID ACKWARD SITUATIONS. Really i wouldn't know how to react when you're fappin like crazy and your parent(s) see you.... lol
  10. Ivan's sleeping... so tired.... snore snore No seriously, he told us he'd work on the VN section today
  11. I already knew you were a brony , i've added you on steam.
  12. Lol exactly the same over here, laptop has japanese locale , my gaming rig has default locale
  13. Same,i don't care about using japanese applocale, it only changes 1 character for me (i think it's / or \). I've installed visual novels for quite some while now on vista 32 bit & windows 7 -64bit and changing the locale was always more then enough.
  14. Which of the 2 are you? a)spehX x @ b)NCe sPehx So i don't add the wrong person
  15. It depends really what kind of setting the story takes place. Normally i would immiadiatly answer you but now that i think of it i read several VN's were it was really fitting that the main char died at the end.
  16. Jeah Sengoku Rance & G Senjou no Maou ftw
  17. I just want a semi-happy ending, otherwise i'm depressed for 2 days or so
  18. Nice guide, however i won't be needing it, but can be usefull for others.
  19. Definitly G Senjou No Maou, they really need to make an anime version of it
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