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Helvetica Standard

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Everything posted by Helvetica Standard

  1. Fast! this happened right under my nose! XD I can't wait!
  2. Just adding a little bit of information since the battles aren't actually that easy unless you're heavy overleveled. ALSO TAKE NOTE: YOU DON'T NEED NG+ OR HARDER DIFFICULTIES, YOU CAN H ALL BOSSES IN YOUR FIRST PLAYTHROUGH Here are a few recommendations to add upon Ryu's guide: Chapter 1: -Attend the meetings -Once you gain some levels distribute your points on attack, defense and buff skills take note on "chain stasis" for Kirara it'll be useful for later. -This is the only chapter where you cannot train freely, so make sure to attend some speeches for quick level up -Attend all ev
  3. You don't need NG+ or higher difficulty to H the bosses. You just need to acquire their related skill and use it against them. (H'ed all the bosses in my first playthrough) bad thing is, you need to hunt for the skill all the way to day 9 or even 10, which leaves little to no time to level up or watch other events.
  4. He has been banned, for a week I think. That won't stop him though.. xP
  5. delete the previous patch files before attempting to apply patch again XD also make a clean reinstall of the game. try installing the game in C: (do not install in program files) this could help somewhat. important: attempt to run patch file as admin only if you have errors while installing it otherwise run patch .bat as normal important: game needs Japanese locale to run properly (app locale) (or manual region change: control panel, language and region, region, administrative tab, change system locale, set to Japanese) useful tip 2: google "directx runtime installer" download, execute a
  6. THAT'S A COMMON ERROR THAT HAPPENS IN THE WINDMILL SCENE ONLY IF YOU DIDN'T APPLY THE PATCH CORRECTLY. How long did the patch take to be applied, just a word of warning since the patch takes 10 to 15 minutes to apply. You didn't close the CMD window till it finished, right? useful tip: execute the patch bat and let it sit there, go take a walk, buy something, chat on the shoutbox, whatever... then return after some time has passed and it'll be done.
  7. You'll know you patched your game correctly as long as you don't run into any bugs, crashes, error messages or missing sprites. there are plenty of dirty jokes on the common route, get reading BTW, not a moege. It's a standard romance focused VN with some melodrama thrown in at some parts. It has plenty of technical jargon about aeronautics and its story has more depth than your average romance games. It's not Clannad or Grisaia but it's decent.
  8. supreme candy, good progress. new hatsu saku project already started :3 good, good
  9. -- This message was deleted at the request of the original poster --
  10. Why u copy/pasting my recommendations list!!? XD and yeah, overdrive sucks! hahaha. It's just personal taste. I'm not exactly holding the dude at gunpoint while saying "don't read those or you die!"
  11. Currently Reading: -Da Capo III (The hard way, of course = My fractured Japanese+VN reader+giant eng/jap dictionary) might finish it in a year. XD -Yumina the Ethereal Looking Forward To: -Harvest Festa -Grisaia Sequels -Supreme Candy -Da Capo III R (Once MG releases it) -Toradora PSP -Kokoro Function (Assuming someone picks it up XD) -Koichoco -Mashiro iro -Flyable Heart (The new TL project) My Recommendations: What can I say.. I LOVE romance VN's but I also like Sci-fi and mystery. Based on that: -Steins;Gate -Grisaia no Kajitsu -Sharin no Kuni -Utawarerumono -Mu
  12. I haven't run into any crashes while playing so far but apparently some people get errors and stuff. Jast posted a new patch for this: Yumina Patch Info – Updated 9/18/13 Spread the word.
  13. My old psp died.. D: I can only pray that PPSSPP is able to run it.
  14. Shh! translators might read this! now you're giving them ideas. x3
  15. I'm honestly not that surprised... I mean the dolphin thingy and the FAQ section of his homepage spoke volumes of what a dedicated and responsible translator he was..."porn game translation" he called it? XD
  16. Dracu riot cancelled, eh? well that's just too bad. I think i'm going to puke out of sheer despair... meanwhile, let's enjoy a nice pic I found today to wash away the bitterness of this woeful announcement... http://i.imgur.com/6Os0wHS.jpg

    If you're old enough go get a beer; let's get wasted mate!

  18. try pushing it towards 3 months... it will literally become painful on mornings and any, repeat ANY woman or something similar will become deliciously fuckable. IT'S A NIGHTMARE. eh how do I know? ermm.. a friend of a friend told me :3
  19. What titles have been dropped!? 0_0 please tell me!! I want the truth raw, even if it hurts. Go on, kill my hopes! XD
  20. Hey there :) My avatar or my profile picture?

    the avatar is Kotori from konoozora :3

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