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Outpost Omega J

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Download Comments posted by Outpost Omega J

  1. This may be a dumb question, but given the number of VN's on this site that are rated 18+ for reasons other than excessive violence, profanity, or drug use, why does this title get the tag "sexual content" when so many others don't have it?

  2. you forgot to mention on how low quality the actual cg is... the cg is on par with those sonic the hedgehog porn... which 12 year olds love.


    Umm... dare I ask what a twelve year old is doing watching ANY kind of porn, good, bad or other?

  3. Next time I make a detailed explanation of something, I must remember to uncheck the "parse URLs" button. All the translated URLs make it look like I'm trying to advertise the site.

  4. How do you download? I can download in Jdownloader but it is really slow. When trying to open it on my browser I don't get a download button at all. I read torrent was also posted?


    I'm not entirely sure what you trying to do, Blackheart (besides the obvious of downloading this game). I'm downloading this game just fine through my web browser as I type this.


    This site's administrator, Ivan, uses the file hosting site downloadani.me to host the files. Ivan provides to sets of links for download, a single file download for the whole game, or multiple 200 MB files that combine to make the whole game. You can only download the single file version if you have a paid for premium account with downloadani.me. That's a restriction put in place by downloadani.me, not by Ivan. downloadani.me free service only allows for uploads/downloads of files up to 200 MB in size, hence the second set of options of multiple files.


    Unless your using a paid for premium account at downloadani.me, you are also limited to no more than two file downloads at any one time, with the maximum download speed of 250 KB/s. That speed assumes their servers aren't swamped at the time (I'm only averaging a download speed of 150 KB/s right now). Also, you have to wait about 6 minutes (I forget the exact time) between starting separate downloads.


    As for navigating through the site, click on the link for the specific 200 MB file you want. This should open a new tab (or new browser window depending on your settings) in downloadani.me. There should be two buttons roughly a fourth of the way down the page, one marked "paddle" which is related to downloadani.me premium payed for service (why "paddle", I couldn't tell you), and a green button marked "free". Click on free. Right below the button you just clicked on, the pricing information for the premium account options should be replaced by a bigger green button that says "free download". Click the "Free Download" button. You get a new page in the same tab/browser with you standard illegible two word captcha that you have to refresh about 6 kazillion times until you get one that even a human can read, and a two minute wait before you can start the download. Once you start the download, repeat the process for the next file.


    After clicking the "Free download" button, if the necessary six minutes (or how ever long it is) has not passed since starting the previous download, you'll get a message telling you just how much longer you have to wait. Also, if you already have two files downloading, the system won't permit a third file to start downloading even if you get the captcha right in less the six kazillion tries. You'll have to wait for the one the first two download to finish.


    I hope this answers you question.

  5. Dumb question #563839: Does anyone else still have the windows task bar visible on their screen even after putting this game into full screen mode? It's not a big deal, it's not interfering with game play or anything, it is just weird for a "full screen" program to still be showing the task bar in my experience.


    FYI: I'm running windows 10.

  6. I think I've answer my own question. The .exe seems to be an installer the .bin files it source material to install from.


    After completing the install process however, I'm being told "The program can't start because mfc140u.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem." I did and I'm still getting the same message. Anybody have any suggestions?

  7. This game seems to differ from the others on this sight in terms of packaging. Usually, it's extract the .rar files, find the .exe file, and you good to go. This one has an .exe file and a pair of .bin files. I'm fairly certain .bin files are somehow related to disc images but if so, I'm not familiar with that file format. Do I need to use Daemon Tools or some similar soft ware to mount the files? If so, is the .exe file a crack to get around DRM?


    A little guidance on how to handle this one please.

  8. When did the translation on this one get resumed? I thought it was abandoned.


    Out of curiosity, did who ever translate this title (assuming it's not the same people who originally started it) pick up the old translation efforts, or is this a new translation effort from the ground up?

  9. While I have no inherent objection to making all ages versions of adult content games (provided that game is capable of standing on it's story alone), why don't companies also release the adult version as well?

  10. Just a mildly interesting tidbit of information/news. Nothing really important.


    On the front page of the websites gamefaqs.com, as of October 21, 2016 1:38PM PDT, this game was highlighted in their featured content section. To be clear, not this website, erogegames.com, the game it self, Sakura Space.


    I will attempt to attach a screen shot from my browser as proof. Unfortunately, the windows screenshot capturing tool doesn't also capture the mouse pointer, so I can't show it hovering over the link, but if you look to the lower-left of the first picture, it shows the url from when I did hover my mouse pointer over the link. That url jumps straight to the actual guide, and not the game's page. The second screen shot I uploaded is the game's page in gamefaqs.com once you back out two layers from the actual guide.


    Like I said, nothing really important. I just thought this was a mildly interesting tidbit of information.







    And in case you missed it...


    I don't know how to "hide" text so that you need to push a button to make it visible. Ivan, or anybody else who has moderator privileges, if there is anybody, feel free to modify my post so it hides my text until deliberately revealed.


    Can somebody confirm that the fifth "hidden" route isn't yaoi?

  12. hey i think voice.xp3 is corrupted i downloaded part 12 and 15 2-3 times still get an error when extracting from winrar


    While I'm at it, here are the MD5 Checksums of part 12 and 15.


    Part 12: 41177B63BE8BE31D71A4083C9103F46F

    Part 15: C8B406019648080982A6C679EC04302F


    Again, if they match up against what you have, it only proves, in theory, we both have the same file, not that the files we have aren't corrupted. If they don't match, then at least of us has a bad file.

  13. hey i think voice.xp3 is corrupted i downloaded part 12 and 15 2-3 times still get an error when extracting from winrar


    I have downloaded all the parts and extracted them and have encounter nothing to suggest to me I have corrupted files. I have a small piece of free ware capable of determining a file's MD5 Checksum (if you don't know what that it is, read below).


    The MD5 Checksum of the file voice.xp3 as reported by my program is: CC3A7A39A61AAA6CC536000EDA9337BE




    Think of a MD5 Checksum like a file's finger print. The original theory behind the process was that no two files could posses the same MD5 Checksum unless they were the same exact file. That has since been proven incorrect. If you know what you are doing (I don't), you can create a file that produces the same MD5 Checksum of another file.


    The point is, if you test the MD5 Checksum of your voice.xp3 file and get a different result, then at least one of us has a bad file, like you suspect.


    The piece of software I'm using is called HJSplit 3.0. I downloaded it years ago. I don't know if the original website still exists or if they have newer versions. According to the "Help --> About" section in the software, you can go to hjsplit.org to get the software, but as I stated, that was along time ago. I make no promises or guarantees about the site today.

  14. Ivan, I understand you don't have unlimited HDD space to store these games on to provide direct downloads, hence your choice to use the file hosting site downloadani.me. But that patch file is only 87 KB. It takes two minutes just to start a download, or 7 if you already have downloaded something. You can download that much data in less than two minutes using an old 56k modem!

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