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Outpost Omega J

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Download Comments posted by Outpost Omega J

  1. Snark aside, you still seem to be missing the point. How many people who ended up in the principle's office, figuratively or literally, ever expected to get caught?


    I never access this website outside of the privacy of my own home, where there is no one to sneak up on me and look over my shoulder when I'm not paying attention. When I use my tablet or any other mobile device that I might take out of the house, I make sure to wipe its browsers history after I'm done viewing this web page or any other 18+ content. That ensures I don't fumble the controls and auto-complete an URL to a site I don't want to be caught viewing in public. Heck, even my PC browser's privacy and security settings are dialed to 10.9, auto wiping the history and deleting all cookies every time I close the browser as a safe guard against any company (I.E. my parents) I let use my computer stumbling across this site.


    Anybody who access web pages with adult content from anywhere other than a secure location, in the physical sense of where you are sitting, not how you are connecting to the web, is taking a pointless risk. That is why I find connecting to this site from a school internet connection to be an absurd thing to do. I suppose the only exception would be if your in your own PRIVATE dorm room behind a locked door.

  2. May I introduce you to the wonders of HTTPS? :cool:


    See that green padlock near address bar? Your entire forum activity is encrypted - Only thing school/work network administrator would see is single DNS query, followed by stream of random data.


    WONDERFUL! BRILLIANT! While you are congratulating yourself on the brilliant decision to use HTTPS encryption, you fail to notice the the teacher/nosy class president come up behind you wondering what you're doing instead of your assignment and applies that ancient analog (GASP - ANALOG) technology known as the Mk. I Human Eyeball.


    You hear that melody? I think the piper is coming.

  3. Have you seen Danganronpa 3? I have only made it to part 42 with my shit school internet.




    *Outpost Omega J turns blue and collapses to the floor. The paramedics arrive and have to use defibrillators.*


    SCHOOL internet connection? Unless social standards have really changed, that takes some serious, borderline suicidal audacity.


    Yes, that game may have the all ages tag, but there is no question this site as a whole is 18+ only. I hope you're ready to pay the piper if you get caught.

  4. I've only barely started playing this game, so I can't be sure yet, but I think you supposed to click on the image of the girl her self to start an action. The control panel to the side only dictates what TYPE of actions to take, not the command to do it.

  5. The application's title bar says ver1.9.2.


    The game's built in change log lists as high as version 1.9


    On a side note for a game that has gone through 9 revisions (version 1.1, 1.2, etc) and is supposed to be the USA release, why is the built in help menu and changelog STILL in Japanese? (I'm assuming that it's Japanese, but I can't recognize Japanese from Chinese or any other language that doesn't use the English alphabet.)

  6. Sounds interesting.


    Ivan, if you add a listing of tags (I'm assuming you pull them from vndb.org when you do), I request that you include "Only Avoidable Heroine Rape" which vndb.org includes in its listing. It's that tag that made me give this game a second look.


    Anybody who has read any of my comments before knows I object to the needless rape of the heroines for the purpose of just adding another h-scene.

  7. "After the death of her parents, young Erunelle has inherited their debts."


    This is becoming a very common plot.


    More like 50 years past stale into rotten goo that has almost turned sentient.


    Not that this is a bad thing. If the plot device isn't broken, don't fix it.

  8. And once again, a game that combines elfs, knights/princesses, and other high fantasy elements is ruined by a story line that is hell bent and torturing them the characters for no reason.


    Why can't people make a game that includes these concepts that has "happily ever after" in the plot line?

  9. Thanks for the upload.


    I don't suppose anybody know when the 18+ version of Grisaia no Rakuen is due out? Not when Ivan will get and upload, he'll do that when he does it, but when the game actually releases. vndb.org only says "2017". I'm hoping to get a little more specific than that.

  10. Does this game have unavoidable rape scenes, or if you play right, can you avoid any such nonsense?


    I like RPGs in general and an RPG combined with an eroge game sounds like a win in my book, but I don't see the point in abusing the heroines in such a manner. It's one thing if it is a past event in the story line that sets the stage for the present, but if it happens in the game's present, you, as the hero, should be able to stop it before it's too late.

  11. I still trying to puzzle out some of the acronyms used on the stat panel on the left hand side of the screen. These are my best guesses so far. Can anybody verify them?


    OBD = Obedience

    PRD = Proud

    LST = Lust

    HEN = ??? (I've really got no clue for this one)

    TEC = Technique

    VIT = Her remaining stamina

    STR = Physical Health

    MND = Mental Health


    One last question. Is there a full screen setting somewhere that I'm overlooking?

  12. Necrophilia? How? she never died, just locked away.


    Those who spoil story plots should be forced to watch marathons of shows such as "Sesame Street", "Blues Clues", and "Dora the Explorer" until they learn to play nice with others.

  13. This game has two versions - there's steam one, with usual cocktease and skimpy outfits and there's 18+ one, containing actual h-scenes. Since this post contains the later, it's pretty much self-explanatory (Also, If you somehow believe game containing scenes like this should somehow be labelled "All-ages", feel free to speak up - I'd love to hear your reasoning).


    Also, I never rate games "18+" for non-sexual reasons, like gore or violence. Heck, even some sexual stuff is often not enough - nipples or mild fanservice is permitted in some "All-ages" titles, depending on context. Only actual h-scenes guarantee "Adults only" rating.


    Thanks for the answer.


    Of course I agree that games with sex scenes should not be "all ages". I just thought it weird that this game got that specific tag when there are a lot of games that have sexual content that don't have that tag. That was all.

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